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Data-Driven Precision Medicine: A Must-Have for the Next-Generation of Personalized Care

December 31, 2019
Alyssa Antonopoulos

Precision Medicine, Associate Director

Adem Albayrak

VP of Technology, Life Sciences Business

Sadiqa Mahmood, DDS, MPH

General Manager & Senior Vice President, Life Sciences Business

Elia Stupka, PhD

Strategic Advisor

Article Summary


Healthcare is moving towards a highly individual model ofprecision medicine该公司的目标是“在正确的时间为正确的患者提供正确的药物”——尤其是癌症治疗。With this individualized approach,targeted therapiesare an increasingly prominent component of care.

For clinicians, academics, and pharma and biotech researchers and regulators, the biggest challenge in meeting precision medicine goals and optimally leveraging targeted therapy pertains to data—establishing the ability to collect and share data for patient care, research, drug development, andreimbursement. Capturing and reporting on relevant real-world data (RWD) is a top asset.

This report examines the gaps in clinical care, research, and drug development inherent with a lack of combined molecular and clinical data. It also considers how accessible data, products to use that data (e.g., the世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地®Precision Medicine Portfolio [PMP], Figure 1), and a core data management system (in this case, the Health Catalyst®Molecular and Clinical DOS Marts™ can help clinicians, academics, pharma, and biotech researchers and regulators advance the precision medicine goals of highly individualized treatment.

data-driven precision medicine - Diagram of Precision Medicine Portfolio
Figure 1: The PMP.

The Right Tools for Data-Driven Precision Medicine

The PMP is a suite of products fully integrated into the Health Catalyst Data Operating System (DOS™) and includes applications that manage and analyze clinical, research, and operational data—including molecular data.” The Molecular DOS Mart (Figure 2), fundamental to the portfolio, is a data transformation and management model that incorporates data from disparate sources, including genomics, transcriptomics, and even molecular pathology labs (e.g., polymerase chain reaction [PCR] and ImmunoHistoChemistry [IHC] testing data). The extended Population Builder™: Stratification Module incorporates data from the Molecular DOS Mart to complement rich clinical data for cohort building and aggregate querying for researchers in academia, pharma, and biotech.

Diagram of Molecular DOS Mart
Figure 2: The Molecular DOS Mart.

Gaps in Clinical Care, Research, and Drug Development—An Improvement Opportunity

Research indicates that wait times vary between identification of a genetic mutation and receipt of the appropriate targeted therapy. This gap between molecular testing and targeted therapy raises the question of whether patients are receiving the timeliest treatment possible. By better understanding the interval between testing and prescription or administration and influential factors, health systems and life sciences organizations can move towards treating patients with care that uniquely meets their needs, with the most optimal timing.


The Molecular DOS Mart uses a comprehensive schema, harmonizing molecular information from disparate sources, including lab testing such as PCR and IHC, as well as next-generation sequencing (NGS) testing. The Molecular DOS Mart includes patients’ molecular test data describing the following:

  • 测试的基因。
  • The variant at the DNA and protein level.
  • The result.
  • The result date timestamp (when available).

The above information is combined with the therapy order or administration and the associated date timestamp from the Clinical DOS Mart; together, they allow assessment of the number of days between molecular testing and order or administration of a targeted therapy for a given biomarker-drug association. This simplifies assessment of the number of days between molecular testing and order or administration of an associated targeted therapy by hospital, drug, and gene. The Clinical DOS Mart also enables filtering by diagnosis, which is relevant as more therapies become approved in additional indications.

Three Critical Ways a Precision Medicine Portfolio Drives More Personalized Care

Using Clinical and Molecular DOS Marts, the PMP contributes three critical assets to help life sciences organizations advance precision medicine goals:

#1: A Longitudinal Record of the Patient Journey

Linked molecular and clinical data enables a view into the patient journey, called the patient longitudinal record. The PMP includes an application that surfaces an individual patient’s molecular test results and clinical information—including diagnoses, medications, and procedures, as needed—for clinicians and researchers alike. This information is rarely combined in one place, but by leveraging the Molecular and Clinical DOS Marts, Health Catalyst is uniquely positioned to provide a patient journey application. Such a tool can help clinicians interpret genomics data in the context of clinical and operational data within their workflow while also providing a researcher- and pharma-facing view for patients participating in clinical trials.

#2: Access to Real-World Evidence

利用分子和临床DOS Marts从护理点实时或最小延迟来源的数据,使研究人员能够回答有关精准医疗的其他问题。临床医生、学者、制药和生物技术研究人员可以确定接受靶向治疗的患者在治疗前或治疗后也接受分子检测的人数。此外,分子和临床DOS市场还可以回答更多关于临床靶向治疗的问题,例如,从批准靶向治疗到全面采用该药物的时间间隔、药物的疗效。Molecular DOS Mart可以为临床医生和学术、制药和生物技术研究人员提供与不同临床数据和结果相关联的纵向分子数据,使生物标志物识别和研究成为可能。

#3: More Effective Research Study Design and Patient Identification for Clinical Trial Recruitment

精准医学临床试验设计必须高效、动态地纳入基因组数据,并评估对特定临床试验具有独特基因组改变的肿瘤患者进行匹配的价值。这些需求推动了基于生物标志物和临床纳入或排除标准的队列设计工具的市场需求。通过广泛访问RWD,健康催化剂PMP,由结合分子和临床DOS Mart提供动力,可以作世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地为患者识别的单一和全面的来源。

A Precision Medicine Portfolio Supports a More Robust, Effective Clinical Trials Process

Realizing the precision medicine goals of personalized care (treating the right patient with the right drug at the time) rests heavily on data. Academic medical centers, hospitals and life sciences companies that can have timely access to molecular and clinical data and a capable core data management system will be best positioned to deliver on the promise of individualized care and targeted therapies.

Additional Reading

Would you like to learn more about this topic? Here are some articles we suggest:

  1. Extended Real-World Data: The Life Science Industry’s Number One Asset
  2. Precision Medicine: Four Trends Make It Possible
  3. A New Era of Personalized Medicine: The Power of Analytics and AI
  4. Healthcare Data: Creating a Learning Healthcare Ecosystem
  5. Bridging the Data and Trust Gaps: Why Health Catalyst Entered the Life Sciences Market

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ICD-10 PCS: Harnessing the Power of Procedure Codes

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