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The DOS™ eBook: A Launchpad for the Healthcare Cloud Journey

The DOS™ eBook: A Launchpad for the Healthcare Cloud Journey

DOS E-book cover

Learn how the Health Catalyst data platform brings healthcare organizations the benefits of a more flexible computing infrastructure in the cloud.

The DOS™ eBook: A Launchpad for the Healthcare Cloud Journey


As a primer on the Data Operating System (DOS™), this e-book, Bring Data Together for Value-Based Outcomes, describes how Health Catalyst’s platform brings healthcare organizations the benefits of a more flexible computing infrastructure in the cloud. Key lessons include fresh approaches to the healthcare cloud, starting with the three key organizational questions to ask before beginning the journey, and seven capabilities necessary to maximize an analytics investment, founded on Health Catalyst’s deep expertise in healthcare data and analytics technologies. Finally, Bring Data Together includes a data analytics capabilities assessment to pinpoint where an organization stands and determine the critical next steps.

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