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July 14, 2021

How can health systems use data and analytics to drive healthcare forward and achieve sustainable improvements? Senior Vice President and General Manager of Data, TJ Elbert, and Chief Technology Officer, Bryan Hinton, have a few ideas about data’s critical—and evolving—role in healthcare and what health systems can do to maximize this precious asset. In this episode of Owning the Future of Healthcare, a Health Catalyst podcast, Elbert and Hinton discuss the shift from data computing to data management, the need for data governance, and why augmented intelligence is the key to accelerating care improvement.

Tune in to Hear Elbert and Hinton Answer These Questions

  • How is the broader data platform landscape and its various changes impacting healthcare? 2:35
  • Which cutting-edge technology is expanding access to data for care organizations? 10:27
  • 数据素养在帮助最终用户使用数据做出决定时感到舒适和自信方面扮演着什么样的角色?13:50
  • How can leaders use data to empower team members to make better decisions? 16:37
  • What are the biggest barriers to health systems taking advantage of increasingly available data? 20:45
  • Why is the Health Catalyst data platform a solution to the healthcare industry’s data challenges? 24:48

Noteworthy Quotes from Elbert and Hinton

“Now that we have sophisticated data infrastructure, the challenge is governing and orchestrating growing amounts of data.”

“Reducing the time to curate data allows leaders to focus more on performance improvement.”

“Organizations need more data to understand what’s going on in a patient’s day-to-day-environment.”

“Data provides context around improvement opportunities so that decision makers know what changes they should take.”

A Coalition of the Willing: Data-Driven Population Health and Complex Care Innovation in Low-Income Communities

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