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Unprecedented Patient-Visit Care Continuity: Introducing Health Catalyst Embedded Care Gaps™

October 14, 2021
Chris Tyne

Chief Operating Officer, Healthfinch

TJ Nicolaides, MBA

Director of Product Management

During this webinar you’ll learn the following:

  • Seamless and actionable care gap information. Care gap information is embedded directly into the EMR with regulatory measures (MIPS, HEDIS, and eCQMs).
  • 对的洞察,对的人,对的时间。一种主动和自动的方式通知临床医生在正确的时间提供最好的护理。
  • Easier and less costly. Better user experience than EMR-based tools and less costly than staffing EMR tool development.
  • Reduced time demands and physician administrative workload. Empowers physicians to provide better care before, during, and after the patient visit.
  • Improved patient confidence in the provider team. The patient gets higher quality of care and appreciates a more efficient and well-planned visit.

Unprecedented Patient-Visit Care Continuity: Introducing Health Catalyst Embedded Care Gaps™

Gaps in patient care contribute to declining health for preventable conditions and cost health systems millions of precious healthcare dollars. Furthermore, COVID-19-induced delays to standard preventive care and routine screenings have exacerbated gaps in patient care. Now, as organizations play catch up to understand patients’ current health status, they can’t afford to waste limited resources on inefficient care processes and guesswork.

Health Catalyst Embedded Care GapsTM是一个完全嵌入emr的患者访问解决方案,并结合了世界级的规则引擎。通过实施更多需要的程序来增加收入,通过简化就诊来降低成本,通过提高坚持治疗的能力来提高质量。通过嵌入式医疗差距,医疗保健组织可以轻松地集成到系统的EHR中,弥合患者护理中的差距,并最大化每个患者的访问。

Join Chris Tyne, Senior Vice President of Product Development, and TJ Nicolaides, Director of Product Management, to learn how Care Gaps can deliver actionable insights directly into your EHR workflow, empower your clinicians to close patient care gaps in real time, and ultimately deliver better, more cost-effective care.

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