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Out of Control: The Challenge of Healthcare’s New Roles, Rules, and Relationships

April 18, 2022
Michael Millenson

Senior Advisor, Health Catalyst

Stan Pestotnik, MS, RPh

Patient Safety Products, VP

During this webinar you’ll learn the following:

  • How the spread of sophisticated clinical care information outside traditional professional channels will disrupt traditional roles of providers, payers, patients and others
  • How the new roles and interactions are evolving and the way in which new kinds of rules will govern them
  • Why analytics allowing sophisticated measurement and management will be key to surviving and prospering in an era of artificial intelligence and distributed data.
out of control webinar healthcares new roles

As information once held closely by providers becomes available to health plans, employers and consumers, old hierarchies are disintegrating. “The democratization of healthcare,” as the National Academy of Medicine has labeled it, brings with it new roles and rules that challenge health systems to successfully combine high-tech analytics with sophisticated high-touch outreach.

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