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Health Catalyst Named One of the 2021 Best Workplaces for Women

September 16, 2021
Best Workplaces for Women

Great Place to Work® andFortunemagazine have honored Health Catalyst with the 57thspot on the2021 Best Workplaces for Women™ list.The annual award is based on analysis of survey responses from more than 5.6 million current employees at companies across the U.S. In that survey, 94 percent of team members said that Health Catalyst is a great place to work, compared to 59 percent of employees at a typical U.S.-based company.

Health Catalyst首席人力官琳达·卢埃林(L世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地inda Llewelyn)说:“被列入这一著名榜单对Health Catalyst和我们的团队成员来说意义重大。”“多年前,我们承诺要站在女性赋权的最前沿。因此,我们改善了领导层的性别多样性,提高了女性团队成员的参与度,实现了近乎完美的性别薪酬平等,并创造了一个无论性别,每个团队成员都能成功的环境。”

Also commenting on the award, Health Catalyst CEO Dan Burton said, “It is well documented that female professionals in the technology industry are promoted less, paid less, and have a professional experience that is unlike that of their male colleagues. When we looked at the data within our own workforce, it was clear there was a need for action. We have worked diligently to shine a light on issues impacting our female team members’ experience and committed ourselves to fixing those areas of improvement. This award, for which we are very grateful, represents the hard work and dedication of our team members to fostering a workplace culture that recognizes the immeasurable value of every individual.”

Great Place to Work is the only company culture award in America that selects winners based on how fairly employees are treated. Companies are assessed on how well they are creating a great employee experience that cuts across race, gender, age, disability status, or any aspect of who employees are or what their role is.

“These companies have made a commitment to fostering equity in the workplace. With the data about gender inequity in mind, the Best Workplaces for Women braved the task of combatting gender inequity by ensuring their women employees feel safe, heard, challenged, and valued,” says Michael C. Bush, CEO of Great Place to Work®.

“The most inspiring part of our efforts and related achievements is that we aren’t yet satisfied,” said Trudy Sullivan, Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at Health Catalyst. “Our data-driven approach to gender equity and understanding our female team members’ experience and engagement levels has reinforced the value of our refined recruitment, interviewing, and hiring approaches; the Women in Engineering scholarship program; our team member-led Women Empowered (WE) affinity group; and ongoing participation in the Women of Color STEM Conference and other events. While we’ve seen dramatic growth, we remain deeply committed to and invested in continued improvements to support our female team members.”

Health Catalyst’s commitment to empowering the female workforce was also recently recognized by InHerSight’s, which gave the Company the top ranking for Best Place to Work in the Information Technology and Services Industry list. Health Catalyst was also named to Women Tech Council’s ShatterList, which recognizes organizations that are creating and enacting practices and cultures that remove the glass ceiling.

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