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Improving Population Health for Children with Diabetes

December 21, 2016

Article Summary



By empowering CPT members, leveraging data to drive decisions, and implementing new interventions effectively, the Diabetes CPT members have improved population health for patients with diabetes across all settings of care. Below are a few of the most significant results.

• 44 percent relative decrease in LOS for patients with DKA.
• 30.9 percent relative reduction in recurrent DKA admissions per fiscal year.
• 34.4 percent relative improvement in the percentage of patients with diabetes who receive the influenza vaccine.


child with diabetes

糖尿病是发达国家儿童最常见的慢性疾病之一。Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston is the nation’s largest pediatric hospital and ranked as one of the top four Best Children’s Hospitals byU.S. News & World Report. Hospital leaders wanted to take a more data-driven approach to population health management for patients with diabetes. They started by pursuing outcomes improvements related to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) since data from the EDW revealed that 64 percent of diabetes patients discharged had this life-threatening condition and there was measurable variation in costs and care for patients with DKA.


By empowering CPT members, leveraging data to drive decisions, and implementing new interventions effectively, the Diabetes CPT members have improved population health for patients with diabetes across all settings of care.


In 2012, 29.1 million Americans, or 9.3 percent of the population had diabetes. What’s even more troubling is that more than 200,000 of these Americans are under the age of 20.1Diabetes is the most common life-threatening, chronic illness for children living in developed countries.2Texas Children’s Hospital is a leader in the research and treatment of children with diabetes. The organization evaluates more than 2,500 cases annually with the goal of helping children, adolescents, and young adults to manage their illness effectively—and live long, healthy, and active lives.


Leaders at Texas Children’s wanted to take a data-driven approach to improving care for diabetes patients. However, they quickly recognized that EHR data alone would not be enough to inform their efforts. To access more clinical, financial, and operational data in real-time, Texas Children’s implemented the Health Catalyst Analytics Platform built using the Late-Binding™ Data Warehouse architecture (EDW). With this robust data now at their fingertips, the team used the Key Process Analysis application to determine that there was a measurable degree of unnecessary variability in care and costs associated with these patients, including increased length of stay (LOS) and readmissions.


Leaders at Texas Children’s wanted to take action to improve outcomes for patients with DKA, as well as the broader population of patients with diabetes. The improvement strategy encompassed four key initiatives:

  • 建立糖尿病CPT。
  • 授权团队持续推动改进。
  • Taking a balanced scorecard approach to setting and achieving goals.
  • Ensuring adoption of data-driven interventions.

Establishing the Diabetes CPT

德州儿童基金会的领导人们决定成立一个糖尿病CPT。cpt通常是为有大量患者、高程度的护理差异、一致性和质量上可测量的差距,以及重要的是,组织准备采取改进措施的护理过程而建立的。然而,组建团队只是第一步。糖尿病CPT仍然需要有经验的领导,在使用技术和临床标准促进数据驱动的过程改进方面有可靠的跟踪记录。儿科、儿科内分泌与代谢学助理教授Rona Sonabend博士和德州儿童学院助理主任Rhonda Wolfe RN、BSN、MBA是领导该团队的最强候选人。

Dr. Sonabend and Rhonda Wolfe, agreed to co-lead the diabetes CPTs, and understood that their teams would first solve the initial problems identified, and would then need to take on other challenges, continuing to improve care for patients with diabetes. The DKA improvement was a natural starting place but the teams wanted to ensure that the Diabetes CPT could expand their improvement efforts for the entire population of patients with diabetes, not just those admitted to the hospital for DKA. Understanding that the team desired to continue to grow and improve, the Diabetes CPT began its work—and within 1.5 years, opened a new Diabetic Care Unit for inpatients with DKA. Ultimately, the Diabetes CPT achieved every goal that had been identified—successfully decreasing length of stay, reducing variability, improving hospital throughput, and decreasing the readmission rate, all while improving patient satisfaction. The team’s early success in its DKA initiative served as the model for future improvements in care delivery for all diabetes patients.

To continue the forward momentum from the work on DKA, the Diabetes CPT identified core areas of focus to improve the care and outcomes for the diabetic patient population. In turn, this culminated in a comprehensive strategy for improvement, and five new CPTs designed to be co-led by a medical lead and an operational lead (see Figure 1) which report up through the Diabetes CPT.

图1。Texas Children’s diabetes care process teams and areas of current focus

The new teams were designed to improve population health, reaching the entire population of patients with diabetes, including care providers in all settings. The interdisciplinary teams include everyone involved in patient care from parents and patients to those inside the hospital like physicians, nurses, and ancillary staff, and to those supporting patients outside of the hospital like school nurses and community based providers.

Empowering teams to consistently drive improvement

To be successful, the additional CPTs need to have strong leaders whose professional and personal passions are tightly aligned with the teams’ goals. That larger sense of purpose helps physicians and operational leaders to navigate the challenges of achieving and sustaining improvements. CPT leaders receive ongoing, in-depth training and development to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to effectively implement quality improvement activities. Physicians who are new to quality improvement are also mentored by more experienced physicians.


The five Diabetes CPTs meet independently every two weeks. During these meetings, the teams develop and refine their outcomes goals, generate ideas for Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles, and evaluate the effectiveness of their work. Every six weeks, the co-leads of the Diabetes CPTs meet to present their work, clarify questions, and align on goals. These conversations are critical to finding linkages with other teams and gaining consensus on proposed improvement plans. Team leaders not only celebrate each other’s big wins but also provide corrective feedback when necessary. This regular cadence of cross-team meetings fosters relationships and collaboration, helps to prioritize resources, and maximizes team efforts to benefit patients.

Taking a balanced scorecard approach to setting and achieving goals

Texas Children’s uses a Modified Delphi process for the development of balanced score cards for each department that are aligned with the Institute of Medicine domains of healthcare quality (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Diabetes scorecard


To facilitate data-driven outcomes improvement, each team develops improvement goals that include the specific outcome goal (aim), balance measures, and timeframe for when the goal is expected to be achieved. The teams review national performance benchmarks while establishing goals, allowing them to evaluate how Texas Children’s performance compares to children’s hospitals across the country. Often, the team members discover that the organization’s performance is already higher than the benchmark. However, they also understand that the benchmark performance may not be adequate and frequently set goals that exceed national benchmarks. The CPT has the advantage of having a diabetes specific analytics application which is built on the EDW and capable of integrating information from multiple data sources. By integrating improvement goals into the Pediatric Diabetes Application, teams can quickly visualize and monitor progress towards these goals at every meeting.


图3。Sample PDSA intervention-outcomes tracking: Patients in emergency center – Ketone point of care

Most importantly, team members know that their work doesn’t stop once they achieve an outcome goal. They continue to monitor performance in the application to ensure that improvements are sustained. If performance slips, the team investigates why and then develops corrective action plans.

Ensuring adoption of data-driven interventions






– Rona Sonabend, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism
Baylor College of Medicine


Dr. Sonabend and the Diabetes CPT members are confident that their data-driven quality improvement efforts have positively impacted outcomes for the entire population of diabetes patients. They are equally confident that outcomes will continue to improve because of their effective implementation of interventions and diligent monitoring of metrics on an ongoing basis. Having already achieved such impressive results, Dr. Sonabend and her teams have even bigger goals for the future, aspiring to transform the current model for care delivery and reimbursement system for chronic disease care. They believe that their demonstrated model for quality improvement should be used by others to enhance and improve care, and that these improvements should be financially-incentivized.


  1. 美国糖尿病协会。(2015)。Statistics about diabetes.
  2. Kushner, J. (2015).Diabetes 101: Commonly asked questions. Texas Children’s Blog.


Health Catalyst is a mission-driven data warehousing and analytics company that helps healthcare organizations of all sizes perform the clinical, financial, and operational reporting and analysis needed for population health and accountable care. Our proven enterprise data warehouse (EDW) and analytics platform helps improve quality, add efficiency and lower costs in support of more than 50 million patients for organizations ranging from the largest US health system to forward-thinking physician practices.

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