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Smartsourcing Clinical Data Abstraction Improves Quality, Reduces Costs, and Optimizes Team Member Engagement

Article Summary

世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地Health Catalyst巧妙地利用了其客户的两个临床图表抽象工作,以显著降低成本,提高价值,并优化团队成员的参与度。Banner Health and Community Health Network (CHNw)每年总共花费超过1000万美元手工提取临床措施,提交给CMS、NSQIP、肿瘤登记处和十几个心血管登记处。The smartsourced relationship, leveraging the Health Catalyst®Data Operating System™ platform and a robust suite of analytics applications and improvement services has reduced costs, enhanced data quality, and improved the team member experience for these organizations.


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Featured Outcomes
  • 49 percent relative improvement in clinical chart abstraction efficiency at Banner Health.
  • 15 percent reduction in the labor costs for clinical chart abstraction services at CHNw.
  • 30 percent relative improvement in team member engagement.

世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地Health Catalyst巧妙地利用了其客户的两个临床图表抽象工作,以显著降低成本,提高价值,并优化团队成员的参与度。Banner Health and Community Health Network (CHNw)每年总共花费超过1000万美元手工提取临床措施,提交给CMS、NSQIP、肿瘤登记处和十几个心血管登记处。The smartsourced relationship, leveraging the Health Catalyst®Data Operating System™ platform and a robust suite of analytics applications and improvement services has reduced costs, enhanced data quality, and improved the team member experience for these organizations.


Reporting quality measurement in healthcare comes with a substantial financial burden, with organizations in the U.S. spending more than $15.4 billion annually on reporting quality measures.1A portion of those costs is for manual data abstraction from the EMR. While clinical chart abstraction costs are already excessive, the number of state registries requiring data abstraction continues to increase, registries continue to intensify data collection requirements, and the time required to abstract health record data for various registries continues to grow.2


Health Catalyst recognized that many of its clients were expending some of their limited resources on inefficient, manual clinical chart abstraction. Variation in clinical chart abstraction processes decreased efficiencies, and delays in obtaining data back from various registries limited the ability of teams to use the data as a strategic asset. As is common for many provider organizations, these data, which were rich with insights, rarely made their way back into the systems’ quality improvement initiatives. The team members responsible for abstracting this data were not empowered to operate at the top of their licensure to influence and improve the clinical processes from which the data are derived, contributions that they were eager to make. Health Catalyst determined that several of its clients could lower costs, increase efficiency, improve data quality, improve team member satisfaction, and maximize technology investments by outsourcing clinical chart abstraction services, including automation of clinical chart abstraction using analytics.


Banner Health and CHNw partnered with Health Catalyst to outsource clinical chart abstraction. Health Catalyst assumed ownership for these functions as well as accountability to lower costs and increase value for each organization—while also creating a positive work experience for team members. This way of outsourcing is called smartsourcing.

Health Catalyst provides Banner Health and CHNw comprehensive services and is responsible for clinical data abstraction, population of the data into the destination format, and submission to governing agencies. Health Catalyst leverages the Data Operating System (DOS™) platform and a robust suite of analytics applications to automate elements of clinical chart abstraction, providing clients the opportunity to achieve immediate cost savings while simultaneously improving data quality.

组织可以识别劳动力成本、质量和生产力的变化和趋势,优先考虑改进的关键机会,以实现效率和提高能力。Banner Health和CHNw不仅可以使用抽象数据来满足各种报告需求,还可以使用这些数据来识别改进的新机会。例如,在班纳健康,团队能够利用为国家外科质量改进项目提取的数据,对性能产生新的见解,加快班纳健康的临床改进工作。

Each organization formed shared governance committees to ensure alignment, and to develop and implement a measurement framework to help continuously assess value. Health Catalyst monitors and manages performance at each organization to ensure the value proposition is realized and that arrangements continue to align with each client’s strategic direction.


Leveraging DOS to automate the extraction of the required information has improved efficiency and data quality—enhancing the effectiveness of clinical chart abstraction, yielding cost savings and an improve team member experience, including:

  • 49 percent relative improvement in clinical chart abstraction efficiency at Banner Health.
  • Reduced labor costs for clinical chart abstraction at CHNw by 15 percent.
  • 30 percent relative improvement in team member engagement.

“与Health Catalyst建立这种外包关系,我们希望避免对团队成员体验的任何潜在负面影响。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地我很高兴地看到,Health Catalyst采取了极大的关怀,以确保这些团队成员保持高度参世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地与和对他们的工作的热情。使用Health Catalyst技术自动化他们的许多任务,使我们能够以世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地新的和令人兴奋的方式让这些团队成员参与进来,以改善他们收集的数据基础上的护理。”

– LeAnne Horn, Network VP, Quality & Risk, Community Health Network


世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地Health Catalyst将继续优化临床图表抽象服务,实现显著的节省和效率,优化技术投资,并将数据提升为战略资产,从而实现投资回报的最大化。


  1. Casalino, L. P., Gans, D., Weber, R., Cea, M., Tuchovsky, A., Bishop, T. F., Miranda, Y., Frankel, B. A., Ziehler, K. B., Wong, M. M., & Evenson, T. B. (2016). US physician practices spend more than $15.4 billion annually to report quality measures.Health Affairs. Retrieved from
  2. Bryant, M. (2019). About 1 in 5 healthcare payments is tied to value-based model.Healthcare Dive.
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