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Digital Care Technology Enables COVID-19 Care at Scale

March 2, 2022

Article Summary

Leaders at this large healthcare system identified the need for robust telehealth-based efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Using Twistle® by Health Catalyst®, a patient engagement platform, the health system rapidly expanded care capacity to meet increasing demand, continue providing necessary primary and preventative care, and keep its workforce safe.


digital care technology
Featured Outcomes
  • More than 38,000 patients were supported through COVID-19 screening, testing, treatment, and monitoring.
  • 64.1 percent of patients said Twistle reduced the need to contact a provider by phone.


When the first COVID-19 case was confirmed at a large healthcare system, leaders quickly identified the need for a robust telehealth-based response and defined six key imperatives:

  • Screen, test, and treat a new disease during a global pandemic.
  • 在家对症状轻微的患者进行监测和管理,减少潜在的传播。
  • Keep the workforce safe and active.
  • Expand availability of ‘routine’ care and preventative wellness.
  • Be a trusted source of information for the community.
  • Recruit recovered patients to donate convalescent plasma.



The rapid expansion of Twistle® by Health Catalyst®, a patient engagement platform already deployed at the organization for other use cases, facilitated the scale and standardization of COVID-19 messaging and care across the health system’s entire network. The secure, text-based messaging outreach allows patients to participate even if they don’t have access to the internet, a computer, or WiFi, helping the organization overcome health equity challenges and provide care in new ways. The health system uses a variety of communication protocols to facilitate the provision of care for patients and staff, including:

  • Screening after potential COVID-19 exposure.
  • Communicating return-to-work clearance.
  • Symptomatic self-monitoring at home.
  • Monitoring and bidirectional messaging of patients with COVID-19.



Using the Twistle patient engagement platform, the health system expanded care capacity to meet increasing demand, continue providing necessary primary and preventative care, and keep its workforce safe. Results include:

  • More than 38,000 patients were supported through COVID-19 screening, testing, treatment, and monitoring.
  • 64.1 percent of patients said Twistle reduced the need to contact a provider by phone.
  • 95.7 percent of patients adopted the technology, and patients read or responded to 76.5 percent of all messages.


Chief Medical Information Officer


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