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How Hospital Financial Transparency Drives Operational and Bottom Line Improvements

September 3, 2015

Article Summary

In an era of steadily declining operating margins, hospitals are seeking ways to increase their profitability.
A significant manual effort associated with over 1,000 cost center spreadsheets has been eliminated and the organization has saved $12 million in labor savings.


Spreadsheets and graphs
Featured Outcomes
  • Improved quality, increased system wide efficiency and eliminated workflow waste while lowering costs
  • Achieved $74 million in performance improvements

A common pressure facing hospitals today is how to maintain positive operating margins, leaving room to fund new patient services. This is an industry-wide challenge. A 2014 Moody’s survey of 448 U.S. hospitals, for example, found that the average median operating margin fell to 2.2 percent while expenses increased at an annual rate of 4.6 percent.1What can hospitals do to counter this squeeze on profitability, especially in an era of steadily declining reimbursement?



Texas Children’s Hospital is taking a more holistic approach to performance improvement using integrated operational and financial data, accessed from a single analytics solution. In the process, Texas Children’s has freed millions that can be used to provide additional services.


Like many healthcare providers, Texas Children’s was facing expenses much higher than original budget targets. When a $50 million shortfall in profitability was forecasted, Texas Children’s decided to close the gap, and identified upwards of $60 million in performance improvement opportunities. Accordingly, Texas Children’s launched a sweeping improvement initiative called “Delivering on the Vision.” There are a number of components to the strategy, including one that is the central focus of this success story: implementing greater accountability among leaders, providers, and frontline managers for their clinical and operating performance.

由于这种问责制不可能在没有更大的潜在成本节约机会可见性的情况下实现,这些关键的专业人员需要关于多个成本中心和子单元的集成和及时的数据。然而,在当时,德州儿童基金的财务分布在大约1000个成本中心,每个中心都有自己的财务报表电子表格。创建整个医院的财务报表,甚至按部门或子部门,需要如此多的时间,以至于每个月才发生一次。某些有用的信息视图(如个别经理/管理员、物理位置、业务单位或地区)过于繁琐,根本无法定期生成。与此同时,分析由多个成本中心组成的领域,比如急症护理或新生儿中心,需要将几十个独立的电子表格链接起来并加在一起。Despite such exacting procedures, operational and financial leaders were still constrained in their ability to perform high level, roll-up analysis or drill down into important details that would explain variances.

Data lags affect decision making

Because books were closed once a month, leaders had to rely on month-old data, plus the additional week it took to compile reports. This essentially made it impossible to clearly identify and understand variances in performance to budget in a timely way and to quickly make the right corrections. In one example, Texas Children’s knew that 77 percent of its patient care units weren’t flexing staff efficiently to census. But the hospital could not determine why without laboriously tracking down journal entry and accounts payable details from separate systems and cost centers.



In order to realize bottom line improvements, Texas Children’s leveraged its existing Late-Binding™ Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) platform from Health Catalyst. Data from sources like the EHR, financial systems and operational systems were integrated into the data warehouse to create an enterprise-wide, integrated single source of truth that could help hospital and department leaders track financial and operational performance, and most importantly, accurately inform their decisions.

The financial and operational data enabling these new capabilities is now accessible through a single application, General Ledger Explorer, also offered by Health Catalyst. As the application runs on the EDW, data stays refreshed in near real-time, helping users conduct reliable and timely trend and performance variance analysis. With the tedious task of consulting multiple systems and departments now gone, problematic issues are identified and addressed much sooner.

An accurate view into variances


Sample visuals of Statement of Operations Financials dashboard
Figure 1: Statement of Operations sample visualization

Put plainly, this feature goes a long way in increasing accountability. Performance-driven managers obviously don’t want to be known for their “red lights,” although “blue lights” can also indicate trouble—such as a budget that exceeded needs or dollars not spent that should have been. The beauty is that users can now discover the true reason for variances from the same application that identifies them. Information is readily available to leadership and decision makers at either a summary or granular level, a significant improvement from the previous environment.

New comparative analysis and forecasting capabilities

With the analytics application, operating performance can be trended over time for each hierarchy, making it easy to spot trends and determine if performance is meeting expectations. Seasonal variation compared to years past, and how operations are altered during those time periods, can also be viewed. This improves the ability to create more accurate budget forecasts.

Operational data related to Texas Children’s largest expense item—salary and benefits—is directly integrated into the application with its own staffing level analysis tab for rapid and easy analysis (Figure 2). This view of data allows operational leaders to manage labor more effectively. Once the user identifies a variance in the staffing line item on the Statement of Operations (Figure 1), they are able to use the staffing level analysis tab to drill into budgeted versus actual FTEs and understand the reason behind the variance (e.g., the patient volume may be higher than expected, resulting in greater staffing needs).

Sample visuals of Staffing level analysis Financials dashboard
Figure 2: Staffing level analysis sample visualization


Texas Children’s has greatly surpassed original targets in improvement performance opportunities. By equipping leaders with ready access to integrated, near real-time financial and operational information, the hospital has improved quality, increased system wide efficiency and eliminated workflow waste—all while lowering costs. To date, “Delivering on the Vision” has realized $74 million in performance improvements, with new financial and operating analytics driving a significant portion of this number. An estimated $12 million of these savings have been attributed to improved labor performance.


提高了劳动生产率。General Ledger Explorer offers a clear window into budget availability for staffing, which in turn has helped departments make more efficient use of staff hours while optimizing patient care. In a clear demonstration of this new improvement, salary and benefit expense growth has been kept below net patient service revenue growth, a strong indicator of efficient staffing.

Increased accuracy in monthly financial statements.错误现在可以在财务报表周期的初步阶段被识别和纠正。由于错误和更正发生在同一个月,这是会计中一个重要的最佳实践,每个月的财务报告更准确,减少了在接下来的几个月进行修正的需要。

Significant time savings have been realized by the accounting team and cost center managers.以前每个月需要花费2到3天的时间来根据陈旧的数据生成报告,现在已经不再需要从1000个成本中心电子表格中收集和合并财务数据。现在,拥有多个部门的成本管理人员可以快速汇总成本中心各自的预算图片,而以前这需要花费两周的时间,并依赖会计部门来获得答案。

Time is now spent on understanding all or nearly all variances instead of only having time to focus on the major ones.This ability is important, as seemingly minor variances can add up to big challenges down the road. With a new insight into what’s driving all variances, managers can quickly determine the cause of each one. In just one example, Texas Children’s discovered favorable variances in radiology were due to problems with getting orders pushed through the supply chain group—a situation the hospital swiftly corrected.



Jennifer Wilson,Assistant Controller





  1. 2014, April 25. Moody’s: Not-for-profit hospital margins fall to 2.2%. Advisory Board.


Health Catalyst is a mission-driven data warehousing and analytics company that helps healthcare organizations of all sizes perform the clinical, financial, and operational reporting and analysis needed for population health and accountable care. Our proven enterprise data warehouse (EDW) and analytics platform helps improve quality, add efficiency and lower costs in support of more than 50 million patients for organizations ranging from the largest US health system to forward-thinking physician practices.

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