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Analytics Driven Improvement Efforts Reduces Surgical Supply Costs by $3.2M

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Banner Health发现其各机构的手术供应使用存在相当大的差异。卫生系统需要一种合作性的、数据驱动的战略,使其能够保持高质量的结果,同时降低全系统所有程序的成本。为了使供应使用标准化,Banner Health实现了一个分析应用程序,以帮助识别系统中不同的大容量、高成本的手术程序。然后,它为大量的手术建立了标准化的手术偏好卡。


Surgical preference cards
Featured Outcomes
  • $3.2M reduction in surgical supply costs for laparoscopic appendectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, robotic assisted hysterectomy, and total hip and knee replacements, in just 15 months.

Banner Health发现其各机构的手术供应使用存在相当大的差异。卫生系统需要一种合作性的、数据驱动的战略,使其能够保持高质量的结果,同时降低全系统所有程序的成本。为了使供应使用标准化,Banner Health实现了一个分析应用程序,以帮助识别系统中不同的大容量、高成本的手术程序。然后,它为大量的手术建立了标准化的手术偏好卡。


Controlling costs is a top priority for healthcare organizations. In the U.S., hospitals’ annual average supply costs exceed $3.7 million, with surgical supplies being the costliest.1Varied and inaccurate preference cards, which list the supplies a surgeon requires to complete a procedure in the OR, can cost a single hospital more than $1 million in overspend annually.2

Banner Health is regarded and recognized as a top health system in the country for clinical quality care. The nonprofit organization is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, and operates 28 hospitals, including three academic medical centers, and other related health entities and services in six states.


Banner Health发现其各机构的手术供应使用存在相当大的差异。该组织对特惠卡和手术用品缺乏标准流程,降低了库存管理的效率。Supply contracts were not standardized, resulting in over 20 different vendor options, negatively impacting pricing.

Supply cost and charge data were contained in separate databases managed by separate teams, making it time-consuming and inefficient to identify improvement opportunities for supply procurement, supply use, and supply waste. Disparate data sources contributed to inconsistencies in documenting supplies used during surgery, resulting in substantial free text order entry and subsequent gaps in charge capture, which negatively impacted revenue.

难以获得有意义的供应链数据,限制了对供应成本的理解,并阻碍了组织有效控制不断上升的供应成本的能力。Banner Health需要一种协作的、数据驱动的策略,使其能够保持高质量的结果,同时降低整个系统所有程序的成本。


Banner Health executive leaders established the Surgical Procedural and Value Alignment Program (SPVAP), which includes a physician champion, operational leaders from finance, nursing, and supply chain, improvement specialists, and data analysts. The centralized team engages operational leaders and surgeons at each Banner Health facility in implementing strategies to standardize clinical care and reduce costs throughout the health system while maintaining high-quality outcomes.

Banner Health leverages the Health Catalyst®Data Operating System (DOS™) platform and a robust suite of analytics applications, including a SPVAP Benchmarking and Analytics Application, to understand organizational performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and evaluate the impact of these enhancement efforts on patient, financial, and organizational outcomes. The SPVAP Benchmarking and Analytics Application enables near real-time visibility into opportunities for supply chain improvement, integrating data from the EMR and supply chain source systems (see Figure 1).

图1。SPVAP Benchmarking and Analytics Application sample visualization

Using the analytics application, Banner Health can easily visualize surgical supply data, including preference card contents, supply costs, and waste, helping identify opportunities for improvement, along with the activities required to decrease supply chain spend and increase charge capture.

Banner Health回顾了历史数据,以识别系统中不同的大容量、高成本手术程序,使用数据和分析来制定协作策略,以标准化手术偏好卡。该组织利用数据和分析来了解哪些地方存在成本机会,然后创建了与外科医生分享的偏好草案卡,征求他们的反馈和批准。

The organization built standard preference cards based upon an analysis of supply use and order history for 80 percent of the high-volume procedures performed, and limited purchasing vendor options to the three most utilized vendors. The standardized surgical preference cards support easy supply documentation within the EMR, reducing free text documentation and streamlining charge capture. A centralized resource facilitates preference card standardization and maintenance at each facility.

Banner Health uses the SPVAP Benchmarking and Analytics Application to share surgeon and specialty-specific supply use, including cost data, with its surgeons, enabling transparency, improving understanding about the cost of various surgical supplies, and supporting surgeons in making cost-effective supply decisions. Surgeons, including new hires, receive ongoing education about the opportunity and processes used by Banner Health to improve surgical quality and reduce costs.

The analytics application also helps Banner Health sustain and further refine preference cards and supply use. The SPVAP team meets bi-weekly, reviewing usage and charge capture data within the analytics application, identifying ongoing opportunities to standardize clinical care and reduce costs.


Banner Health’s data-driven supply chain standardization efforts have substantially reduced supply costs in just 15 months. The organization has achieved a:

  • $3.2M reduction in surgical supply costs for laparoscopic appendectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, robotic assisted hysterectomy, and total hip and knee replacements, in just 15 months.

“The SPVAP Benchmarking and Analytics Application helps prioritize improvement opportunities. We’re able to share specific, individualized data, guiding conversations to gain adoption of standard supplies, allowing us to reduce costs by more than $3.2M.”

– Lindsay Lynch, RN, MSN, RN Clinical Supply Program Director


Banner Health will broaden its use of standardized clinical pathways, allowing it to risk stratify its patients and quantify the impact of supply chain standardization on patient outcomes.


  1. Abdulsalam, Y. & Schneller, E. (2019).Hospital Supply Expenses: An Important Ingredient in Health Services Research.医疗保健研究与评论。240-252.
  2. Simco, S. & DuBose, D.(2016)。Found money: How to clean up preference cards to cut inventory spend and boost margins.贝克尔医院财务总监报告
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