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Bobbi Brown, MBA

Senior Vice President

Bobbi Brown is the Vice President of Financial Engagement for Health Catalyst. Ms. Brown started her healthcare career at Intermountain Healthcare supporting clinical integration efforts before moving to Sutter Health and, later, Kaiser Permanente, where she served as Vice President of Financial Planning and Performance. Ms. Brown holds an MBA from the Thunderbird School of Global Management as well as a BA in Spanish and Education from Misericordia University. She regularly writes and teaches on finance-related healthcare topics.

See content from Bobbi Brown, MBA

Three Steps to Prioritize Clinical Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Healthcare organizations today have access to so much data from across their systems that they may struggle to know where to focus quality improvement efforts. An analytic framework and a stepwise process ensures organizations have broad data access and can identify the most significant opportunities for impact. With a strategic, data-informed approach to clinical quality improvement, health systems can consume fewer resources, discover cost savings, and improve ROI and the quality of care.
Three steps comprise an effective quality improvement process:

1. Adopt a healthcare-specific, open, scalable data platform.
2. Identify improvement priorities using the 80-20 rule.
3. Gain consensus from clinical teams on specific projects and goals.

Surviving Value-Based Purchasing in Healthcare: Connecting Your Clinical and Financial Data for the Best ROI


2022 Healthcare Trends: 6 Defining Areas

在经历了动荡的2020年和2021年之后,《纽约时报》将其总结为“衰落”,医疗行业的领导者们决心在2022年追求积极的变革。大流行仍有很大的影响,但卫生系统也将关注其他突出的业绩驱动因素,效仿其他行业的顶级表现,强调长期策略,并优先考虑消费者和数据驱动的决策。With these strategies in place, trends in the following six areas will determine organizational success in 2022 and have a lasting impact on providers and patients:

1. Health equity.
2. Patient safety.
3. Staffing.
4. Care delivery.
5. COVID-19 recovery.
6. Payment and payers.

The 2021 Healthcare Financial Forecast: What to Expect, How to Prepare


Healthcare finance teams can best navigate 2021 by monitoring and preparing to take action in five prominent areas:
1. Election impact.
2. Price transparency.
3. Financial forecasting.
4. Value-based care.
5. Health equity.

Six Steps Towards Meaningful, Ongoing Healthcare Performance Improvement

The long-term success of healthcare performance improvement relies on a sustainable infrastructure and strategic execution. Otherwise, improvement initiatives risk becoming one-off projects that don’t support ongoing advances in critical areas, such as critical areas, clinical outcomes, patient experience, and organizational cost.

Healthcare organizations can follow six steps for a sustainable, impactful performance improvement program:

1. Integrate performance improvement into strategic objectives.
2. Use analytics to unlock data and identify areas of opportunity.
3. Prioritize programs using a combination of analytics and an adoption system.
4. Define the performance improvement program’s permanent teams.
5. Use a best-practice system to define program outcomes and interventions.
6. Estimate the ROI.

Six Steps Towards Meaningful, Ongoing Healthcare Performance Improvement

The long-term success of healthcare performance improvement relies on a sustainable infrastructure and strategic execution. Otherwise, improvement initiatives risk becoming one-off projects that don’t support ongoing advances in critical areas, such as critical areas, clinical outcomes, patient experience, and organizational cost.

Healthcare organizations can follow six steps for a sustainable, impactful performance improvement program:

1. Integrate performance improvement into strategic objectives.
2. Use analytics to unlock data and identify areas of opportunity.
3. Prioritize programs using a combination of analytics and an adoption system.
4. Define the performance improvement program’s permanent teams.
5. Use a best-practice system to define program outcomes and interventions.
6. Estimate the ROI.

Resetting Payer-Provider Arrangements for COVID-19 and the Evolving Improvement Journey

As the healthcare industry recovers from COVID-19, providers are re-evaluating the financial arrangements that motivate them to improve their processes while benefiting payers and patients.


Renewed approaches to the following models will consider the impact of remote care, how to reimburse telehealth services, and the need for consistent payments to providers:

1. Pay for performance.
2. Bundled payments.
3. ACOs.

What Health Systems Need to Know About COVID-19 Relief Funding


What Health Systems Need to Know About COVID-19 Relief Funding


Value-Based Purchasing 2020: A 10-Year Progress Report

2020年是自2010年通过《平价医疗法案》(Affordable Care Act)和医疗保健从量到值的第一个过渡步骤以来的十年。
这份10年进展报告好坏参半。一方面,CMS对质量和成本的强调推动了患者和医疗提供者的上升趋势,再入院率大幅提高;on the other hand, organizations still need to simplify and consolidate value-based programs for more widespread positive impact.

Today’s Top Five Healthcare Payer Financial Opportunities


Five key payer opportunities provide a framework for new models that will support the healthcare transformation goals of lower cost, better quality, and increased access:

1. Understand the impact of the Affordable Care Act.
2. Be ready for potential shifts due to regulatory impacts.
3. Understand how social determinants of health impact members.
4. Focus on provider relations.
5. Prepare for future trends.

DSRIP in 2018: Continuing Efforts for Medicaid Reform

As a performance-based incentive program, DSRIP (the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment) is designed to help participating states reform Medicaid. To date, 13 states have implemented DSRIP and received a Section 1115 waiver from CMS to transform their Medicaid programs and align them with value-based reimbursement. These states have agreed to budget neutrality, transparency, statewide quality metrics, and frequent reporting of outcomes.

While each state’s program structure and objectives are unique, under DSRIP, participating states share three key goals:

1. Reducing the total medical spend.
2. Improving patient outcomes.
3. Establishing a direct link between provider performance and payment.

Linking Clinical and Financial Data: The Key to Real Quality and Cost Outcomes

Since accountable care took the healthcare industry by a storm in 2010, health systems have had to move from their predictable revenue streams based on volume to a model that includes quality measures.
While the switch will ultimately improve both quality and cost outcomes, health systems now need the capability of tracking and analyzing the data from both clinical and financial systems.

Value-Based Purchasing: Four Need-to-Know Domains for 2018

Health systems that meet the 2018 Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program measures stand to benefit from CMS’s $1.9 billion incentive pool. Under the 2018 regulations, CMS continues to emphasize quality. To reduce the risk of penalty and vie for bonuses, it’s increasingly critical that organizations leverage data to build skills and processes that meet more demanding reimbursement measures.

To thrive under value-based payment, healthcare systems must understand CMS’s four quality domains, and their associated measures, for 2018:

1. Clinical Care
2. Patient- and Caregiver-Centered Experience of Care/Care Coordination
3. Efficiency and Cost Reduction
4. Safety

The Best Solution for Declining Medicare Reimbursements

The report shows the numbers of Medicare beneficiaries and claims are growing; healthcare organizations are increasingly losing money on Medicare; payment increases certainly will not keep pace with declining margins; and Medicare policies will continue to incentivize quality and push providers to assume more risk.
But the report also reveals that some healthcare organizations—referred to as “relatively efficient”—are making money from Medicare with an average 2 percent margin. How do you become one of these organizations? And how do you target and counter Medicare trends that impact your business?

Five Solutions to Controlling Healthcare’s Cost Problem

When expenses exceed revenue, business has a financial problem. In healthcare, the focus has been on revenue for so long, we’ve lost sight of runaway costs brought about by high labor and technology expenses, inefficient use of resources, and supply waste. Recognizing the cost problem is a big first step toward solving it.

Five expense-controlling strategies can play a significant role in returning healthcare systems to a stronger financial position:

1. Refocus on labor management.
2. Manage employed physicians.
3.Change the patient encounter environment.
4. Augment standard approaches with technology.
5. Manage patient access and flow through the healthcare system.


Hospital Revenue Cycle Management: 5 Ways to Improve

除了改善你的信息系统和教育你的员工关于管理收入的来由,还有很多改进的机会。Here are five suggestions to help health systems improve their revenue cycle management:

1. Trend and benchmark your healthcare data.
2. Use DOS to Mine Your Healthcare Data.
3. Constantly ask frontline staff for suggestions.
4. Monitor all payer contracts.
5. Maintain convenient and caring touch points with patients.

The Key to Transitioning from Fee-for-Service to Value-Based Reimbursement

The shift from fee-for-service to value-based reimbursements has good and bad consequences for healthcare. While the shift will ultimately help health systems provide higher quality lower cost care, the transition may be financially disastrous for some. In addition, the shifting revenue mix from commercial payers to Medicare and Medicaid is creating its own set of challenges.
There are, however, three keys to surviving the transition:

1) Effectively manage shared savings programs to maximize reimbursement.
2) Improve operating costs.
3) Increase patient volumes.

With an analytics foundation, health systems will be able to meet and survive today’s healthcare challenges.

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