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Dale Sanders

Strategic Advisor

Dale自1997年至2005年在Intermountain healthcare任职以来,一直是医疗保健分析和数据仓库领域最具影响力的领导者之一,在那里他是企业数据仓库(EDW)的首席架构师和LDS医院医疗信息学的区域总监。2001年,他创立了医疗保健数据仓库协会。从2005年到2009年,他是西北大学医生小组的CIO和西北医学EDW的首席架构师。从2009年到2012年,他担任开曼群岛国家卫生系统的首席信息官,在那里他帮助领导实施新的护理提供流程,现在与美国负责任的护理相关。在他的医疗保健经验之前,戴尔有14年多样的职业生涯,包括在美国空军Looking Glass机载指挥所担任CIO;为里根/戈尔巴乔夫峰会提供信息技术支持;为国家安全局和《削减战略武器条约》进行核威胁评估;英特尔公司集成物流数据仓库的首席架构师;也是国际信息技术公司的联合创始人。作为TRW的系统工程师,Dale和他的团队开发了当时(1995年)世界上最大的Oracle数据仓库,使用了一种现在被称为后期绑定架构的创新设计原则。 He holds a BS degree in chemistry and minor in biology from Ft. Lewis College, Durango Colorado, and is a graduate of the US Air Force Information Systems Engineering program.

See content from Dale Sanders

Academic Medical Centers: A Triple Threat Approach to Leveraging Healthcare Analytics

Academic medical centers (AMCs) are a triple threat on the healthcare court with their combined medical center, education, and research sections.

Bridging the Data and Trust Gaps: Why Health Catalyst Entered the Life Sciences Market


世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地Health Catalyst认识到,与生命科学合作是一个全行业的改进机会,以建立互信,整合数据,并利用分析见解来实现共同利益(即患者结果)。By aligning themselves around human health fulfillment, Health Catalyst, their provider partners, and life sciences will advance important healthcare goals:

1. Improving clinical trial design and execution.
2. Stimulating clinical innovation.
3. Supporting population health.
4. Reducing pharmaceutical costs.
5. Improving drug safety and pharmacovigilance.

The Homegrown Versus Commercial Digital Health Platform: Scalability and Other Reasons to Go with a Commercial Solution

Public cloud offerings are making homegrown digital platforms look easier and more affordable to health system CTOs and CIOs. Initial architecture and cost, however, may be the only real benefit of a do-it-yourself approach. These homegrown systems can’t scale at the level of commercial vendor systems when it comes to long-term performance and expense, leaving organizations with a potentially costly and undereffective platform for years to come.

health Catalyst的技术总裁戴尔•桑德斯(Dale Sanders)在担任医疗系统CIO的25年里,观察到医疗特定供应商平台的巨大价值,以及本土解决方案的缺世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地点。2022卡塔尔世界杯赛程表时间世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测他在问答环节中分享了自己的见解,以解决当今数字医疗市场中的紧迫问题。

Critical Healthcare M&A Strategies: A Data-driven Approach

Historically technology and talent were primary assets used to weigh the value of M&A activity, but data is an equal pillar. Buyers (the acquiring organizations) face enormous responsibility and risk with M&A transactions. C-suite leaders have a lot to consider—enterprise-wide technology, finances, operations, facilities, talent, processes, workflows, etc.—during the due diligence process. But attention is often heavily weighted toward time-honored balance sheet and facility assets rather than next-generation assets with the long-term strategic value in the M&A process: data. The model for conducting due diligence around data involves four disciplines:

• Establish the strategic objectives of the M&A with the leadership team.
• Prioritize data along with the standardization of solutions and the design of a new IT organization (i.e., a co-equal effort for data, tools, and talent).
• Identify the near-term data strategic priorities, stakeholders, and tools.
• Assess the talent and consider creating an analytics center of excellence (ACOE) to harness organizational capabilities.

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