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John Hansmann, MSIE, LFHIMSS, DSHS

Professional Services, VP

John Hansmann, MSIE, FHIMSS, DSHS,于2015年1世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地0月加入Health Catalyst担任高级董事。他在运营、生产力管理、战略和IT分析方面拥有超过30年的医疗保健经验。加入Health Catalyst之前世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地,John是Tenet Healthcare Corporation的劳动管理和生产力高级总监。在加入Tenet之前,John曾在Intermountain Healthcare担任管理工程城市南部区域经理。他在开发标准化护理模式和人员配置实践、优化患者吞吐量、工作重新设计和领导工作流程分析方面具有专长。约翰是医疗保健信息和管理系统协会(HIMSS)的会员,工业工程师协会(IIE)的高级成员和卫生系统协会(SHS)的外交官。他是HIMSS的前任董事会成员和SHS的前任总裁。他目前是北达科他州立大学(NDSU)工业与制造工程学院(IME)的顾问委员会成员。他获得了NDSU的BSIE和MSIE。

See content from John Hansmann, MSIE, LFHIMSS, DSHS

Optimize Your Labor Management with Health Catalyst PowerLabor™

To cut costs, healthcare leaders are looking at their greatest operating expense—labor management. However, with outdated labor management systems, decision makers rely on retrospective, incomplete data to forecast staffing volumes and patient support needs. Limited workforce insight can result in misaligned staffing or worse, jeopardizing patient care due to lack of labor support. With the Health Catalyst PowerLabor™ application, part of the Financial Empowerment Suite™, decision makers have access to a comprehensive view of labor data by organization, department, team, and job role. Timely insight into current and future hospital needs allows leaders to staff to patient volume, control escalating labor expenses, and ensure optimal resources for excellent patient care.

Hospital Capacity Management: How to Prepare for COVID-19 Patient Surges

Health system resource strain became an urgent concern early in the COVID-19 pandemic. Hard-hit areas exhausted their hospital beds, ventilators, personal protective equipment, staffing, and other life-saving essentials, while other regions scrambled to prepare for inevitable surges.
An accurate capacity planning tool uses population demographics, governmental policies, local culture, and the physical environment to predict healthcare resource needs and help health systems prepare for surges in patient demand.

Steps for Effective Patient and Staff Contact Tracing to Defend Against COVID-19 Spread

While the world waits for a vaccine or effective treatment for COVID-19, managing disease spread is paramount. For health systems, patient and staff contact tracing is one of the top transmission-control strategies.
Because the virus appears to spread mainly through respiratory droplets from person-to-person contact, knowing where infected individuals have been and with whom they’ve been in contact is an essential capability.

The Top 8 Skills Every Healthcare Process Improvement Leader Must Have

Healthcare process improvement leaders not only have to be a jack-of-all-trades, but they need to be a master, as well. This is one of the most important leadership roles in the healthcare system with responsibilities that can ultimately end up saving lives, improving the patient experience, improving caregiver job satisfaction, and reducing costs. Although there are many others, these eight skills are the most critical for the efficient, and ultimately, successful process improvement leader:

1. Communication
2. Trust Building
3. Coaching
4. Understanding Process Management
5. Understanding Care Management Personnel
6. Constructive Accountability and Constructive Conflict
7. Resiliency and Persistency
8. Seeing the Big Picture


Five Solutions to Controlling Healthcare’s Cost Problem

When expenses exceed revenue, business has a financial problem. In healthcare, the focus has been on revenue for so long, we’ve lost sight of runaway costs brought about by high labor and technology expenses, inefficient use of resources, and supply waste. Recognizing the cost problem is a big first step toward solving it.

Five expense-controlling strategies can play a significant role in returning healthcare systems to a stronger financial position:

1. Refocus on labor management.
2. Manage employed physicians.
3.Change the patient encounter environment.
4. Augment standard approaches with technology.
5. Manage patient access and flow through the healthcare system.

With new, value-based payment structures, shrinking margins, and decreasing reimbursements, this insight offers some new ways to think about expense inefficiency and how to get costs under control.

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