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Kristy Manrique

Director Medical Necessity

Kristy Manrique于2020年9月世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地加入Health Catalyst,担任医疗必需品主任。她负责创建和维护医疗保险、医疗补助和商业支付者的医疗必需品编辑。Manrique在医疗保健领域拥有超过25年的经验。她的背景包括作为一名认证编码专家(CCS, CCS- p)在一家急症护理机构的健康信息管理工作数年,在那里她领导了一个医院和专业编码团队。Manrique的主要职责包括进行编码质量审查,并就新的编码指南和规则变化提供教育。

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Commercial Medical Necessity Edits are Your Key to Fewer Denials

Healthcare organizations risk losing more than $200 billion annually to denied claims. Of this loss, medical necessity denials account for $2.5 billion. In response, providers need a mid-revenue management solution that includes healthcare claims management, such as medical necessity edits (MNEs), and ensures claims fall within acceptable standards. Accounting for MNEs for a broad range of commercial insurances in addition to Medicare and state Medicaid MNEs, the Vitalware® by Health Catalyst medical necessity tool offers a comprehensive, timely, and accurate solution to help organizations avoid lost compensation and revenue delays.

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