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Data Warehousing in Healthcare: A Guide to Success

July 13, 2018

Article Summary

Looking for a way to share his extensive experience with data warehousing in healthcare, in 2002 Dale Sanders wrote what many consider to be the “EDW Bible.”


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编者按:2002年,戴尔•桑德斯发表了一份54页的报告,被称为“EDW圣经”。This paper,Designing, Developing, and Supporting an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) In Healthcare, was used by leading-edge data warehousing teams to create and grow their homegrown data warehouses—and do so successfully. It’s also an interesting look at the history and development of the EDW as used in the healthcare industry.

The report gives solid guidance on how to drive value and utilization from a homegrown data warehouse.

Although it contains some dated material, the heart and content of the piece is still, years later, extremely relevant to healthcare technology leaders today.

Please click here to download the paper: Designing, Developing, and Supporting an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) In Healthcare

然而,重要的是要记住,传统的数据仓库已经不够好了。AsGartnerrecently reported, traditional data warehousing will be outdated and replaced by new architectures by the end of 2018. And current applications are no longer sufficient to manage these burgeoning healthcare issues. The technology is now available to change the digital trajectory of healthcare.

The Health Catalyst Data Operating System (DOS™) is a breakthrough engineering approach that combines the features of data warehousing, clinical data repositories, and health information exchanges in a single, common-sense technology platform. DOS serves as the vendor-agnostic digital backbone for healthcare.

Additional Reading

Would you like to learn more about this topic? Here are some articles we suggest:

  1. Database vs Data Warehouse: A Comparative Review
  2. Healthcare Data Warehouse Models Explained
  3. Healthcare Analytics Platform: DOS Delivers the 7 Essential Components
  4. A 5-Step Guide for Successful Healthcare Data Warehouse Operations
Five Deming Principles That Help Healthcare Process Improvement

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