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Health Catalyst Editors

世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地Health Catalyst Editors是一个由Health Catalyst的资深编辑和作者组成的团队,他们拥有超过60年的医疗保健写作经验和广泛的行业知识。

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How Specialty Pharmacies Can Improve Medication Adherence and Patient Outcomes

Specialty pharmacies serve patients who are managing medical conditions that often require complex therapies. These entities can implement patient engagement technology to improve medication adherence and patient outcomes in the following ways:

3.Automate refill and delivery notifications to create staff efficiencies.
4. Increase patient satisfaction, retention, and patient outcomes.

Reduce Healthcare Inequities with Patient Engagement Technology

健康问题的社会决定因素可能对健康结果产生严重的负面影响。While these determinants like race and zip code are complex to address, simple text-based outreach can be an effective way to connect disadvantaged people with information, services, and assistance that can help bridge many gaps in care.

Leverage consistent, proactive communication to ensure that patients have accurate, useful information and have the tools they need to stay engaged in their healthcare.

The Top Four Examples of Quality Improvement in Healthcare

为了在日益严峻的医疗环境中茁壮成长,开展质量改进项目对医疗系统的持续生存比以往任何时候都更加重要。However, health systems need to tackle the right projects at the right time to maximize the impact to their organization.

本文将分享医疗保健中质量改进的临床、财务和操作示例,这些示例可以帮助其他人处理改进项目。Some examples shared include:

• Pharmacist-led Medication Therapy Management (MTM) reduces total cost of care.
• Optimizing sepsis care improves early recognition and outcomes.
• Systematic, data-driven approach lowers length of stay (LOS) and improves care coordination.

How Managing Chronic Conditions Is Streamlined with Digital Technology

Chronic conditions across the United States are prevalent and continue to rise. Managing one or more chronic diseases can be very challenging for patients who may be overwhelmed or confused about their care plan and may not have access to the resources they need. At the same time, care teams are overburdened, making it difficult to provide the support these patients require to stay as healthy as possible. A new approach to chronic condition management leverages technology to enable organizations to scale high-quality care, identify gaps in care, provide personalized support, and monitor patients on an ongoing basis. Such streamlined management will result in better outcomes, reduced costs, and more satisfied patients.

Clinical Trials Day 2022: Celebrating Research Professionals Around the World

Clinical Trials Day, celebrated every year on May 20, recognizes the clinical research professionals who work tirelessly to improve public health and provide new treatment options to patients.

How Proactive Patient Communication Solves Medication Non-Adherence

前美国卫生局局长C. Everett Coop医学博士曾经说过:“药物对不服药的病人不起作用。”然而,病人对处方药物的坚持程度往往达不到最佳水平。例如,根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers of Disease Control & Prevention)的数据,患者约有20%至30%的处方配药不足。不坚持用药的后果可能包括生活质量差、身体限制、住院治疗,甚至更糟,使患者依从性成为优质医疗服务的一个组成部分。致力于让患者按时服药的医疗机构可以借助患者参与技术,主动沟通关于治疗的关键教育,以及不依从性的风险,避免常见的依从性障碍。

Four Characteristics of High-Value Healthcare Analytics Products

先进的数据和分析是为医疗保健开发高效产品的良好基础,但这还不够。Health Catalyst的首席产品官Anne Marie Bickmore解释说,建立世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地一个产品组合不只是一份产品列表——它始于高质量数据和分析的坚实基础。Bickmore describes four specific guidelines organizations can follow to create better products that drive sustainable improvement:

3.Take a patient-centric approach.
4. Consider a clinical perspective.

No Going Back: Seven Trends Have Changed the Life Sciences Industry Forever

The unforeseen pandemic changed many industries, but according to Sadiqa Mahmood, General Manager and Senior Vice President of Life Sciences Business at Health Catalyst, COVID-19 had a particularly notable effect on the life sciences industry. With the surge in digital solutions, pharmaceutical process changes, and accelerated innovation, the life sciences are experiencing never-before-seen changes. Mahmood suggests that these pandemic-fueled transformations ignited seven positive trends within life sciences that will impact the healthcare industry, pharmaceutical companies, medical technology providers, and health systems:

2.Accelerating digitization.
4. Expanding the use of real-world data.
5. Scaling cloud platforms and securing data.
6. Improving supply chain.
7. Focusing on health equity.

Digital Patient Engagement: Best Practices to Drive an Optimal Patient Experience and Outcomes

As healthcare increasingly digitizes, organizations must prioritize the patient experience to create a seamless digital health journey. Drivers of patient experience range from the use of empathy in outreach to the technology that delivers information to a patient. Engagement software and strategies optimize patient activation when they follow the following best practices:

4. Determine the cadence.
5. Consider the tone.
6. Leverage data to make improvements.

How Freeing Your Data Drives Better Outcomes

全球各地的医疗保健组织有一个共同点——希望利用数据改善结果。然而,Health Catalyst的高级副总裁兼全球扩张业务总经理Jeff Selander表示,实现这一目标并不像听起来那么容易。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地塞兰德说,为了有效地利用数据来推动整个系统的改进,组织必须使他们的数据民主化或自由。数据民主化始于能够支持强大的数字需求的数字基础设施,如电子患者记录和高效的患者数据分发。一旦基础设施到位,系统必须将数字患者记录连接到其他源系统(例如,患者安全辅助系统和药房),以获得患者健康的完整情况。牢记这些步骤,卫生系统现在已做好准备,为最广大的人群带来最大的成果。

Three Strategies to Accelerate Digital Healthcare in the Asia-Pacific Region

亚太地区组织对数据、分析和数字化医疗的兴趣日益浓厚,这也带来了挑战。Health Catalyst高级副总裁、亚太地区资深医疗专家Farhana Nakhooda表示,该地区的医疗世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地系统面临许多障碍,使向数字医疗的过渡变得复杂,包括紧张的金融资产、充足的临床医生以及基于农村和城市地区的差距。However challenging these barriers might be, Nakhooda provides three strategies that systems in APAC and beyond can leverage to accelerate their digital healthcare journey:

1.Promote data and analytics literacy.

How to Accelerate Clinical Improvement Using Four Domains of Clinical Analytics

随着卫生系统越来越重视改善临床表现,它们依靠来自不同来源的临床分析来确定改善的机会。尽管从数据中聚合、组织和获得分析见解的过程很复杂,但Health Catalyst首席临床官、高级副总裁兼临床质量分析总经理Holly Rimmasch解释了为什么这对卫生系统的生存至关重要。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地She also takes a deep dive into the following four domains of clinical analytics, showing how healthcare organizations can take their data farther and scale long-lasting clinical improvements:

1.Data acquisition.

2.Clinical analytics usage.

3.Unrealized opportunities of clinical analytics.

4. Patient engagement.

Your Guide to Augmented Intelligence in Healthcare: Three Hows for AI Success

医疗专家预测,到2028年,医疗领域的人工智能(AI)将增加40%。随着人工智能的快速发展,卫生系统必须避免妨碍成功的常见人工智能陷阱。通过解决三个“如何”,为医疗保健领域有意义的人工智能奠定了基础,组织可以在几分钟内而不是几个月内受益于人工智能。In his second podcast, Dr. Jason Jones, our Chief Analytics and Data Science Officer, explains how AI intersects with other digital healthcare trends, how organizations can effectively integrate AI into existing workflows, and lastly, how health entities can create easy-to-use AI for team members across all domains.

Three Crucial Mindset Shifts to Reach Peak Financial Healthcare Management

Each health system takes a unique approach to financial management. No matter the organization, Dan Unger, SVP and General Manager of Financial Transformation at Health Catalyst, says that effective financial management should promote better financial decision making across the system. And even though optimal financial management is critical to healthcare operations, organizations struggle to deal with its complexities. With challenges ranging from government-set funding to newly emerging competitors in the market, health systems need to optimize their approach to financial management. Unger suggests healthcare organizations adopt three mental shifts that lead to better financial management:



3.Implement activity-based costing.

The Healthcare Research Network: 5 Modernizing Features

在一个技术创新和非凡互联互通的时代,为什么临床研究要遵循几十年前的模式?临床试验仍然集中在领先的城市医疗中心,患者人数较少,但今天的数据和协作能力可以支持更广泛、更强大的覆盖范围。To that end, the new Health Catalyst Research Offering accelerates and optimizes clinical research in five groundbreaking ways:

3.Gives access to research-oriented Health Catalyst products and services.
4. Supports clinical study from planning through the active trial.
5. Maintains a national repository of clinical data.

HAS 21 Virtual in Review: Soaring Satisfaction Rates, Attendee Profiles, and More

即使是在虚拟世界中,运送3000多名医疗保健领袖和活动家穿越三个国际目的地也是一个不小的壮举。Add world-class data and analytics insight and inspiration from healthcare and beyond to the voyage and you have a three-day journey of a lifetime—otherwise known as theHealthcare Analytics Summit™(HAS) 21Virtual. The 2021 edition of healthcare’s premier analytics summit once again gathered innovators and heroes from around the globe to explore multi-domain analytics as the framework for a winning team approach to healthcare transformation.

Three Reasons Augmented Intelligence Is the Future of AI in Healthcare

Health systems increasingly turn to AI to help all team members make more informed decisions in a shorter time frame. Instead of an artificial-intelligence approach that threatens the critical role healthcare experts play in decision making, organizations should define AI as augmented intelligence. In his first podcast, Dr. Jason Jones, our Chief Analytics and Data Science Officer, explains how augmented intelligence can help health systems accelerate progress toward achieving the Quadruple Aim. The three unique opportunities augmented intelligence offers health systems include the following:


HAS 21VirtualReaches Its Final Destination: Day Three of a Whirlwind Multi-Domain Analytics Journey

After virtual stops in Singapore and London, HAS 21Virtual与会者可能认为第三天不会超过前两天。然而,当保罗·霍斯特梅尔(Paul Horstmeier)在迪拜大饭店(Grand Dubai Hotel)欢迎全球分析旅行者时,他们都为之惊叹。不愿被奢华的环境所超越,最后一天的议程再次超出预期,包括医学博士艾米·康普顿-菲利普斯(Amy Compton-Phillips),她监督了美国第一个已知的COVID-19患者的护理,一组强有力的爆发话题,以及特别的医疗分析版《危险边缘》(Jeopardy)。第三天还包括备受期待的#SockofHAS获奖者的公告,HAS积分比赛的结果,受人尊敬的飞轮奖获奖者,以及更多。活动组织者和粉丝们已经兴奋地期待着在2022年9月13-15日再次相聚!

HAS 21 Virtual Day 2 Tackles Health Equity, Redefines Value, and Presents 30+ Data-Fueled Projects

2021年医疗保健分析峰会™(HAS)的第二天,虚拟会议将与会者从新加坡带到伦敦的Hotel Catalyst。Once again, Health Catalyst COO and this year’s Healthcare Analytics Summit “Captain,” Paul Horstmeier provided an overview of the day’s exceptional itinerary, including keynote speakers, 33 live Analytics and AI showcases, new topics for Braindates, and […]

HAS 21 Virtual Day 2 Tackles Health Equity, Redefines Value, and Presents 30+ Data-Fueled Projects

Day two of the Healthcare Analytics Summit™Virtualagain opened with a warm welcome from “Captain” Paul Horstmeier and his flight crew. Keynote speaker Patrice Harris, MD, MA, FAPA, former President of the American Medical Association, then took the stage to discuss common health equity challenges and solutions. Chris Chen, MD, CEO of ChenMed, followed to share how his organization has redefined value by using a fully capitated economic model. After a quick break, attendees chose between industry outlook sessions focused on health equity and population health. By lunchtime, participants were ready to explore over 30 data-centric projects at the Analytics and AI Showcases and learn about new Health Catalyst products. Attendees wrapped up an action-packed day two with Braindates, one-on-one or group networking sessions to learn more about trending topics of their choice.

Wheels Up on Healthcare Analytics Summit 2021 Virtual! Day One Recap

A fireside chat with NBA great Steve Kerr, a virtual journey to a premier international destination, a glimpse at robots changing the world, and an investigation into the parallels between motocross and healthcare analytics are just some of the experiences offered during day one of the Healthcare Analytics Summit™ (HAS) 21Virtual. From a digital platform for the second consecutive year, HAS 21Virtualkicked off three days of extraordinary education, inspiration, and entertainment on September 21. With experts from healthcare and beyond, attendees explored the digital trends and best practice experiences driving healthcare success in the new digital era. Additionally, two waves of breakouts offered insights into increasing revenue, decreasing cost, improving quality, and more.

Six Tactics to Restore the Healthcare Revenue Cycle

医疗保健机构在大流行期间遭受了财务挫折,现在正在寻找机会弥补失去的收入。卫生系统不应只关注在选择性程序停止数月后提高盈利能力,而应密切审查影响收入周期的医疗保健的其他方面。To take a proactive approach to restore revenue cycle integrity, healthcare leaders should consider six hands-on strategies that promote near- and long-term revenue recovery:

3.Manage payer policies.
4. Expand telehealth.
5. Set up prior authorization for surgical procedures.
6. Achieve price transparency.

The Healthcare Analytics Summit™ 2021 Virtual

The Healthcare Analytics Summit™ (HAS) 21Virtualfeatures internationally recognized speakers, national and global networking opportunities, and traditional HAS fun—including #Socks of HAS, quiz questions, daily scavenger hunts, prizes, and more. In addition, the 2021 global theme will take attendees on a virtual journey to three international destinations—Singapore, Dubai, and London—while exploring the digital trends and best practice experiences driving healthcare success in the new digital era.

The HAS 21Virtualworld-class speaker line-up includes the following:

2.AI Rana el Kaliouby,博士,Affectiva联合创始人兼首席执行官,情感和人类感知的先驱和发明者。
3.Chris Chen, MD, CEO of ChenMed, and Brent James, MD, MStat, Clinical Professor, Clinical Excellence Research Center (CERC), Department of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine.

Your AI Journey Starts Here: A Four-Step Framework for Predictive Analytics Success


Data and analytics technology lay the foundation to support a health system for a successful AI pursuit, including predictive analytics. With the right tools in place, health systems are ready to follow the four-step framework:

3.Model development.
4. Operationalizing the predictive model.

How Regulatory Compliance Supports Optimal Patient Care and Higher Earnings

Hospitals spend over $7.5 million every year on regulatory compliance. Payers, such as CMS, rely on these quality measures to evaluate health system and provider performance and determine reimbursement rates for services rendered. As a result, regulatory performance is critical to the care process and revenue stream. However, many health systems fail to meet these care standards and maximize reimbursement rates because they lack analytic insight into regulatory performance. With a data engine that tracks and submits quality measures data, leaders understand their compliance performance, gaining insight into opportunities to improve patient-centric care and value-based performance. This data-informed approach allows organizations to increase profits through peak regulatory performance and avoid financial penalties associated with underperformance.

Three Keys to a Successful Data Governance Strategy


Healthcare leaders can operationalize data governance in their organizations by considering three key elements of an effective strategy:


Four Elements that Bridge the Gap Between Using Data and Becoming Data-Driven

With mounting pressures to deliver quality care with fixed resources, data-driven healthcare is pivotal to organizations’ well-being. From operations to the front lines of clinical care, data can drive the best outcome if decision makers have relevant information when they need it. However, many organizations simply use data in one-off situations rather than integrating it into systemwide processes and workflows. To understand what it means to become data driven and take the right steps forward, organizations can apply four key elements:

1.Invest in one source of data truth.
4. Implement a cybersecurity framework.

Drive Better Outcomes with Four Data-Informed Patient Engagement Tactics


无论这些患者参与的障碍有多么困难,企业都可以利用数据来克服它们。通过访问数据,医疗保健领导者和提供商可以确定优化患者参与度的机会。By implementing four data-informed tactics, systems can increase patient engagement and improve health outcomes:

4. Provide patient-centered education.

Delivering Precision Medicine: How Data Drives Individualized Healthcare



How Data Can Reduce Length of Stay and Keep the Revenue Stream Flowing

Many organizations face high costs and diminishing returns due to unnecessarily high length of stay (LOS) and readmission rates. Elevated LOS and readmission rates can indicate low quality care and also result in costly financial penalties. Therefore, addressing LOS and readmission rates can eliminate avoidable financial consequences, while keeping patients out of the hospital and less likely to develop hospital-acquired infections.

Health systems can leverage analytic insight to reduce unnecessary patient LOS and readmission rates, resulting in lower costs for health systems and better health for patients, by applying three data-driven strategies:

3.Improve care transitions.

Three Data-Informed Ways to Drive Optimal Pediatric Care


Leveraging operational data—instead of focusing solely on pediatric outcomes data—can reveal opportunities for health systems to improve pediatric patient access and, in turn, increase revenue. Organizations can deliver higher quality pediatric care while increasing profits by implementing three data-informed strategies:

Charge Capture Optimization: Target Five Hotspots to Boost the Bottom Line


Health systems can avoid financial leakage and increase profits by focusing on five problem areas within charge capture practice:
4. Supply chain and devices.
5. CDM mapping.

The Healthcare Revenue Cycle: How to Optimize Performance


The contemporary healthcare landscape requires a comprehensive, standardized, and data-driven revenue cycle process. Health systems that leverage data to support revenue cycle management improve their financial outcomes in three significant ways:
2.Increase collections with propensity-to-pay insight.

The Top Four Skills of an Effective Healthcare Data Analyst

As health systems experience more pressure to deliver quality care with limited resources during a pandemic, data analysts play a vital role in helping organizations overcome new COVID-19-induced challenges. Data analysts provide direction about the best way to dissect data, identify areas for improvement, and solve complex problems that stand in the way of better healthcare delivery. However, by developing four specific skills, data analysts can optimize their work and help leaders make sound operational, clinical, and financial decisions:
4. Play the data detective.

Healthcare Price Transparency: Understanding the Cost-Pricing Relationship

Healthcare consumers are demanding the same level of price transparency for medical care they have in other transactions—particularly as healthcare moves away from a fee-for-service model and patients are responsible for larger portions of their medical bills. Meanwhile, as of January 2021, federal regulation requires health systems to make their service charges publicly available. The healthcare industry, however, hasn’t historically succeeded with consumer-grade price transparency. Organizations must now figure out how to bridge the gap between their costs and patient charges. Doing so requires comprehensive understanding of all the costs behind a service and consumer-friendly explanation of how these expenses translate into prices.

Improving Sepsis Care: Three Paths to Better Outcomes


Deliver Data to Decision Makers: Two Important Strategies for Success

Surviving on thin operating margins underscores the need for all end users at a health system to make decisions based on comprehensive data sets. This data-centered approach to decision making allows team members to take the right course of action the first time and avoid making decisions based on fragmented data that exclude key pieces of information.

To promote data-driven decision making and a data-centric culture, healthcare organizations should increase data access and availability across the institution. With easy access to complete data, end users rely on the same data to make decisions, no matter where they work within the health system.

Two strategies can help organizations integrate and deliver data to end users when they need it:

The Right Way to Build Predictive Models for the Most Vulnerable Patient Populations

Predictive artificial intelligence (AI) models can help health systems manage population health initiatives by identifying the organization’s most vulnerable patient populations. With these patients identified, organizations can perform outreach and interventions to maximize the quality of patient care and further enhance the AI model's effectiveness.


Three Cost-Saving Strategies to Reduce Healthcare Spending


全面、可靠的数据增加了整个医疗连续体费用的可见性,因此领导者可以利用新的方法来节省资金、产生收入和加速现金流,以保持患者健康和医院的大门敞开。With access to recent data, health systems can focus on three cost-saving strategies:
1.Increase physician engagement.

Five Steps for Better Patient Access to Healthcare

尽管医疗保健领域的患者准入问题一直存在,但COVID-19进一步加剧了准入基础设施的压力。“居家令”、暂时停止亲自上门就诊、交通挑战等导致护理延期或错过。与此同时,大流行时代的变通办法,如向虚拟医疗的转变,推动了更数字化的患者体验。As healthcare consumers and providers increasingly relying on touchless and asynchronous processes, health systems are discovering opportunities to improve patient access and the overall experience.

With the following five steps in a patient access improvement framework, organizations can scale and sustain innovations and lessons learned during the pandemic:
1.Create a patient access task force.
4. Implement an improved patient access plan.
5. Scale and sustain better patient access.

Three Strategies to Deliver Patient-Centered Care in the Next Normal

在资金需求、不确定的医疗立法和COVID-19之间摇摆不定,可能会分散医疗领导者对护理患者最重要方面的注意力。在这个动荡的市场中,提供以患者为中心的护理可能具有挑战性,尤其是在传统的医疗保健方法(如亲自探访)被搁置的情况下。这些对日常护理的突然中断凸显了让患者处于护理中心的重要性,无论护理是亲自提供还是虚拟提供。Health systems can manage competing priorities, adjust to pandemic-induced changes, and deliver patient-centered care by focusing on three strategies:

Shifting to Value-Based Care: Four Strategies Emphasize Agility


Organizations can use four methods to remain agile as they navigate the limbo between volume and value:

1.Understand the first ten years of value-based care and prepare for what’s next.
2.Identify essential strategies for shifting from volume to value.
4. Use population health management as a path to value.

Data Science Reveals Patients at Risk for Adverse Outcomes Due to COVID-19 Care Disruptions

One of the biggest challenges health systems have faced since the onset of COVID-19 is the disruption to routine care. These care disruptions, such as halted routine checkups and primary care visits, place some patients at a higher risk for adverse outcomes. Health systems can rely on data science, based on past care disruption, to identify vulnerable patients and the short- and long-term effects these care disruptions could have on their health. Data science can also inform the care team which care disruptions to address first. With comprehensive information about care disruption on patients, health systems can apply the right interventions before it’s too late.

The Key to Better Healthcare Decision Making

当医疗保健领导者做出数据驱动的决策时,他们通常认为自己在数据中看到了相同的东西,并认为他们得出了相同的结论。然而,决策者后来常常发现,他们看待数据的方式不同,并没有得出相同的见解,导致了无效和不可持续的选择。医疗保健领导者可以通过使用统计过程控制(SPC)方法管理不同的数据解释,以找到焦点,避免不同的数据解释,做出更好的决策,并监控变化以实现可持续的未来。By deriving concise insights, SPC separates the signal from the noise, augmenting leaders’ decision-making capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare: Four Real-World Improvements




Five areas of pandemic response and recovery stand out for their robust use of data and measurable impact on the course of the outbreak and the individuals and frontline providers at its center:
2.Meeting patient surge demands on hospital capacity.
4. Fueling global research.
5. Responding to financial strain.

Healthcare Process Improvement: Six Strategies for Organizationwide Transformation


Safeguarding the Ethics of AI in Healthcare: Three Best Practices


人工智能在支持疫情应对方面的潜力可以带来巨大的回报。然而,如果医疗专业人员不熟悉人工智能产生的建议的准确性和局限性,确保其合乎道德的实施可能是具有挑战性的。了解数据科学家如何计算算法,他们使用什么数据,以及如何解释这些数据,对于以有意义和合乎道德的方式使用人工智能来改善医疗服务至关重要。By adhering to best practices for healthcare AI, health systems can guard against bias, ensure patient privacy, and maximize efficiencies while assisting humanity.

To Safely Restart Elective Procedures, Look to the Data

Many health systems have realized they lack the data and analytics infrastructure to guide a sustainable reactivation plan and recover lost revenue from months of halted procedures due to COVID-19. However, with operational, clinical, and financial data, augmented by analytics tools, leaders have the visibility into hospital and resource capacity to guide a safe, sustainable elective surgery restart plan.


Medical Practices’ Survival Depends on Four Analytics Strategies

With limited resources compared to large healthcare organizations and fewer personnel to shoulder burdens like COVID-19, medical practices must find ways to deliver better care with less. Delivering quality care, especially in a pandemic, is challenging, but analytics insight can guide effective care delivery methods, especially for smaller practices.

Comprehensive data combined with team members who can turn numbers into real-world information are essential for medical practices to ensure a strong financial, clinical, and operational future. Independent medical practices can rely on four analytics strategies to survive the uncertain healthcare market and plan for a sustainable future:

4. Invest in analytics infrastructure to support self-service analytics.

Shifting to Virtual Care in the COVID-19 Era: Analytics for Financial Success and an Optimized Patient Experience



Healthcare Financial Transformation: Five Leading Strategies

Healthcare financial transformation—improving care delivery while lowering costs—has been an ongoing challenge for health systems in the era of value-based care and an even more prominent concern amid COVID-19.
While better care and reduced expense to organizations and consumers might seem like opposing goals, by understanding the true cost of services and other drivers of expense, organizations can successfully manage costs while maintaining, and even improving, care delivery.

Six Strategies to Navigate COVID-19 Financial Recovery for Health Systems

研究预测,2020年医疗保健行业因COVID-19造成的损失将达到3230亿美元。随着患者数量下降和与大流行相关的费用上升,卫生系统需要一项立即和长期财务复苏的战略。有效的方法将依赖于对大流行如何改变和重塑护理提供模式的深刻而细致的理解。2019冠状病毒病时代最具影响力的变化之一是从面对面办公室探访转向虚拟医疗(如远程医疗)。虽然患者和医疗服务提供者最初转向远程交付,以腾出设施进行COVID-19治疗并减少疾病传播,但虚拟医疗的好处(例如,避免患者前往预约时的时间和资源消耗)使远程医疗成为新的医疗领域中的持久模式。As a result, healthcare financial leaders must fully understand the revenue and reimbursement implications of virtual care.

Six Proven Methods to Combat COVID-19 with Real-World Analytics

随着医疗保健数据比以往任何时候都更容易获得,因此有必要将这些数据应用于卫生系统面临的独特挑战,特别是在大流行期间。Even with massive amounts of data, health systems still struggle to move data from spreadsheets to drive change in a clinical setting.

These six methods allow health systems to transform data into real-world analytics, going beyond basic data usage and maximizing actionable insight:

3.Ensure data processes are sustainable.
4. Certify data quality.
5. Provide systemwide access to data.
6. Refine the approach to knowledge management.


How to Optimize the Healthcare Revenue Cycle with Improved Patient Access

Despite pandemic-driven limitations, health systems can still find ways to optimize revenue cycle and generate income. When health systems improve and prioritize patient access through a patient-centered access center, they can improve the revenue cycle performance through decreased referral leakage, better patient trust, and optimum communication across hospital departments.

Rather than relying on traditional revenue cycle improvement tactics, health systems should consider three ways a patient-centered access center can positively impact revenue cycle performance:


Population Health Success: Three Ways to Leverage Data

由于医疗保健行业继续关注价值,而不是数量,卫生系统面临着向资源有限的大量人口提供高质量的医疗服务的问题。为了实施人口健康举措并取得成果,至关重要的是护理团队应根据可行动的最新数据制定人口健康战略。Health systems can better leverage data within population health and drive long-lasting change by implementing three small changes:

3.Implement one source of data truth.

获得准确、可靠的数据可以在保持成本和改善结果的同时,促进人口健康工作。With actionable analytics providing insight and guiding decisions, population health teams can drive real change within their patient populations.

Four Strategies Drive High-Value Healthcare Analytics for COVID-19 Recovery

COVID-19 response and recovery is pushing healthcare to operate at an unprecedented level. To meet these demands and continue to improve outcomes and lower costs, healthcare analytics must perform more actionably and with broader organizational impact than ever. Health systems can follow four strategies to produce high-value analytics to withstand the pandemic and make healthcare better in the long term:

4. Run activity-based costing plus at-risk contracting.

The Healthcare Analytics Summit™: Top Data Discoveries and Insights from HAS 20 Virtual

The 2020 Healthcare Analytics Summit™ (HAS 20 Virtual) took place for the first time from a remote platform. But, as the 2020 HAS infographic demonstrates, the remote experience delivered on HAS event’s customary high level of engagement and meaningful healthcare insights.

Six Ways Health Systems Use Analytics to Improve Patient Safety


Six examples of analytics-driven patient safety success cover improvement in the following areas:

1.Wrong-patient order errors.
3.艰难梭菌(C. diff)
4. Opioid dependence.
5. Event reporting.
6. Sepsis.

Healthcare Analytics Summit 2020: Day Three Recap

The Healthcare Analytics Summit 20 Virtual (HAS 20Virtual) concluded three days of online programming on Thursday, September 3, 2020. Though COVID-19 forced this year’s event to take place virtually, the geographic dispersal of attendees and presenters didn’t dampen the depth of insights or level of engagement previous summits are known for.
After two days of keynote addresses, breakout presentations, small Braindate gatherings, and project and solution showcase, HAS 20Virtualmaintained its momentum. The conference closed on a powerful note with yet more world-class speakers, groundbreaking innovations, and common theme of the power of analytics and human potential in healthcare’s new normal.

Healthcare Analytics Summit 2020: Day Two Recap

Day two of the Healthcare Analytics Summit 20 Virtual (HAS 20Virtual) included keynote speakers followed by live Q&As, quizzes to earn points for the HAS game, the Analytics Walkabout, Machine Learning Marketplace, and Digital Innovation Showcase.
与会者喜欢主题主题演讲者,如美国食品和药物管理局代理CIO Amy P. Abernethy医学博士,他讨论了数据在应对COVID-19的重要性;Yonatan Adiri,健康的首席执行官。Io,她展示了一项基于智能手机的尿液测试,以提高医疗保健的可及性;and Sampson Davis, MD, emergency medicine physician and New York Times best-selling author, who shared how education saved his life.

Virtually Kicking Off the 2020 Healthcare Analytics Summit

For the first time from an online platform, Health Catalyst COO Paul Horstmeier welcomed attendees to the Healthcare Analytics Summit 20 Virtual (HAS 20Virtual), promised a highly interactive online experience that would maintain the breadth and depth of expertise as well as the spirit of innovation of the conference’s in-person iterations.

HAS 20Virtualwill also provide some of the fun and good humor attendees have enjoyed in year’s past–from the Virtual fun run to the friendly competition for the most notable socks–HAS 20Virtual将这些活动搬到了网上。has20第一天的亮点包括来自Eric Topol, MD和Ari Robicsek, MD的主题演讲,以及两个突破的会议浪潮。

Beginning the Conversation: Health Equity


Restarting Ambulatory Care and Elective Procedures: Analytics Guide Safe, Pragmatic Decisions

As Health Catalyst continues to engage its health system partners in their COVID-19 journeys through virtual client huddles, topics are delving further into restarting ambulatory care and elective procedures. The May 21, 2020, forum explored how organizations are responding to the pandemic and planning for the next phases. Participants explored two vital topics in the COVID-19 era:


Three Keys to Improving Hospital Patient Flow with Machine Learning

卫生系统同样也在努力有效地管理医院的病人流量。通过机器学习和预测模型,卫生系统可以改善整个系统中不同部门的患者流量,比如急诊科。Health systems should focus on three key areas to foster successful data science that will lead to improved hospital patient flow:

Key 3. Form a comprehensive leadership team to govern data.

Improving hospital patient flow through predictive models results in reduced patient wait times, reduced staff overtime, improved patient outcomes, and improved patient and clinician satisfaction.

Health Systems Share COVID-19 Financial Recovery Strategies in First Client Huddle

More than 100 attendees joined the first of a series of Health Catalyst virtual client huddles designed to support client partners and aid collaboration and direct client connections in this time of unprecedented change.
根据2020年4月对Health Catalyst客户的一项调查,72.6世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地%的客户表示,他们对其他卫生系统的例子、指导和工具有浓厚兴趣。在仅针对客户的会议中,分享了最常见的COVID-19分析项目和一个卫生系统的选择性手术计划。

The health system shared the challenges they faced in understanding the financial impact of halting elective surgeries as well as creating a plan for working through their backlog. They also shared the tools and strategies they are using to aid their financial recovery.

The Top Five Insights into Healthcare Operational Outcomes Improvement


1.Five top insights address the following aspects of healthcare operational outcomes improvement:
2.Quality improvement as a foundational business strategy.
4. Increasing hospital capacity without construction.
5. Leveraging project management techniques.
6. Features of highly effective improvement projects.


对分析的关注导致了“电子病历问题”——医生优先考虑电子病历而不是病人。The Healthcare Analytics Adoption Model (HAAM) walks healthcare organizations through nine levels that lay the framework to fully leverage analytic capabilities to improve patient outcomes:

1级。Enterprise Data Operating System
级别2。Standardized Vocabulary & Patient Registries
Level 3. Automated Internal Reporting
4级。Automated External Reporting
Level 5. Waste and Care Variability Reduction
6级。Population Health Management & Suggestive Analytics
7级。Clinical Risk Intervention & Predictive Analytics
Level 8. Personalized Medicine & Prescriptive Analytics
Level 9. Direct-To-Patient Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

Analytics are crucial to becoming a data-driven organization, but providers and administrators can’t forget about the why behind the data—to improve outcomes. Following the HAAM enables organizations to build a sustainable, analytic platform and empower patients to become data-driven when it comes to their own care.


对分析的关注导致了“电子病历问题”——医生优先考虑电子病历而不是病人。The Healthcare Analytics Adoption Model (HAAM) walks healthcare organizations through nine levels that lay the framework to fully leverage analytic capabilities to improve patient outcomes:

1级。Enterprise Data Operating System
级别2。Standardized Vocabulary & Patient Registries
Level 3. Automated Internal Reporting
4级。Automated External Reporting
Level 5. Waste and Care Variability Reduction
6级。Population Health Management & Suggestive Analytics
7级。Clinical Risk Intervention & Predictive Analytics
Level 8. Personalized Medicine & Prescriptive Analytics
Level 9. Direct-To-Patient Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

Analytics are crucial to becoming a data-driven organization, but providers and administrators can’t forget about the why behind the data—to improve outcomes. Following the HAAM enables organizations to build a sustainable, analytic platform and empower patients to become data-driven when it comes to their own care.

Population Health Management: A Path to Value

As value-based care (VBC) definitions and goals continue to shift, organizations struggle to create a roadmap for population health management (PHM) and to track associated costs and revenue. However, health systems can move forward with PHM amid the uncertainty by following the best practices of a path to value:

• Begin with Medicare Advantage—a good growth opportunity with low barriers to entry.
• Focus on ambulatory, not acute, care as it delivers more value.
• Simplify the physician burden by focusing on reasonable measures.

A Roadmap for Optimizing Clinical Decision Support

与航空航天和汽车等行业相比,医疗保健在决策支持创新方面落后。Following the aerospace and automotive arenas, healthcare can learn critical lessons about improving its clinical decision support capabilities to help clinicians make more efficient, data-informed decisions:

2.Build data volume and scope: Healthcare must collect socioeconomic, genomic, patient-reported outcomes, claims data, and more to truly understand the patient at the center of the human health data ecosystem.

Four Keys to Increase Healthcare Market Share

With leadership alignment, easy access to data, and a roadmap to reach their objectives, health systems can drastically increase revenue and grow market share by applying four principles:

• Key 1. Alignment.
• Key 2. Vehicles.
关键3:五大工具:数据获取、数据敏锐度;finance, vision to execution, and prioritizing outcomes.
• Key 4: Education.

Access to the right data can drive changes that generate $48M in revenue, surpassing the year three market share goals in year two.

How to Design an Effective Clinical Measurement System (And Avoid Common Pitfalls)

由于医疗机构努力为患者提供更好的护理,他们必须有一个有效的临床测量系统来监测他们的进展。首先,在设计临床测量系统时,只有两个潜在的目标:选择测量和改进测量。Understanding the difference between these two aims, as well as the connection between clinical measurement and improvement, is crucial to designing an effective system.

This article walks through the distinct difference between these two aims as well as how to avoid the common pitfalls that come with clinical measurement. It also discusses how to identify and track the right data elements using a seven-step process.

A Healthcare Mergers Framework: How to Accelerate the Benefits

Health system mergers can promise significant savings for participating organizations. Research, however, indicates as much as a tenfold gap between expectation and reality, with systems looking for a savings of 15 percent but more likely to realize savings around 1.5 percent.


The Top Three 2020 Healthcare Trends and How to Prepare

After a tumultuous 2019, healthcare organizations are pivoting to make sense of the latest changes and prepare to face the top 2020 healthcare trends:

• Financial Performance—With mergers, acquisitions, and private sector companies entering the healthcare arena, how will traditional hospitals and clinics compete?
• Social Issues—How will health organizations respond to the opioid crisis and consider social determinants of health as part of the care process to provide comprehensive treatment?


Putting Patients Back at the Center of Healthcare: How CMS Measures Prioritize Patient-Centered Outcomes

Today’s healthcare encounters are too often marked by more clinician screen time than patient-clinician engagement. Increasing regulatory reporting burdens are diverting clinician attention from their true priority—the patient. To put patients back at the center of care, CMS introduced its Meaningful Measures framework in 2017. The initiative identifies the highest priorities for quality measurement and improvement, with the goal of aligning measures with CMS strategic goals, including the following:

1.Empowering patients and clinicians to make decisions about their healthcare.

AI in Healthcare: Finding the Right Answers Faster

卫生系统依靠数据做出明智的决定,但前提是这些数据能得出正确的结论。卫生系统经常使用常用的分析方法得出错误的结论,导致资源浪费和患者病情恶化。It is crucial for data leaders to lay the right data foundation before applying AI, select the best data visualization tool, and prepare to overcome five common roadblocks with AI in healthcare:

4. Trying to Compensate for Low Data Literacy Resulting in Unclear Conclusions.
5. Lack of Agreement on Definitions Causes Confusion.


AI-Assisted Decision Making: Healthcare’s Next Frontier


本文讨论了卫生系统应该具备的能力,并提供了两个例子,说明人工智能如何帮助领导人做出最重要的决定。Healthcare leaders’ biggest needs of from AI are the ability to separate signal from noise and make decisions that impact the future.

Achieving Stakeholder Engagement: A Population Health Management Imperative


An effective PHM stakeholder engagement strategy incorporates the following:

2.Meets the unique analytics and reporting needs of the organization.
3.Enables users to measure, and therefore manage, PHM outcomes.
4. Provides the real-time analytics value-based care requires.

Removing Barriers to Clinician Engagement: Partnerships in Improvement Work


Improvement leaders can approach clinician engagement on three levels:

3.Leadership-level growth and improvement programs.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Change Management Problem


To succeed in change management and get optimal value from predictive and prescriptive models, clinical and operational leaders must use three perspectives:


Three Key Strategies for Healthcare Financial Transformation


Machine Learning Tools Unlock the Most Critical Insights from Unstructured Health Data


Machine learning tools (e.g., NLP and text mining) help health systems better understand the patient and their circumstances by unlocking valuable insights residing unstructured data:


Healthcare Quality Improvement: A Foundational Business Strategy

在美国,浪费是一个价值3万亿美元的问题。幸运的是,质量改进理论(W. Edwards Deming)从本质上把高质量的医疗与财务业绩和减少浪费联系在一起。戴明认为,更好的结果可以消除浪费,从而降低成本。

To improve quality and process and ultimately financial performance, an industry must first determine where it falls short of its theoretic potential. Healthcare fails in five critical areas:

3.Unacceptable rates of preventable care-associated patient injury and death.
4. A striking inability to “do what we know works.”
5. Huge amounts of waste.

The DOS™ E-Book: A Launchpad for the Healthcare Cloud Journey

While over 90 percent of organizations in industries worldwide now use cloud computing in their operations, healthcare still lags behind.
As health systems grow their ability to capture data, they still have only a fraction of the data they need to achieve today’s population health and precision medicine goals.

Organizations looking to migrate to more agile cloud-based platforms and leverage data for measurable improvements can learn the fundamentals of this critical transformation in an e-book about the Health Catalyst Data Operating System (DOS™).

Harnessing the Power of Healthcare Data: Are We There Yet?

What can healthcare learn from Formula One racing?
Health Catalyst医疗事务和生命科学高级副总裁Sadiqa Mahmood博士表示,比赛支持团队利用约30TB的基线数据,创建汽车、赛道和赛车的世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地数字双胞胎,用于模拟模型,在每场比赛中驱动决策。
Applied in the healthcare setting, a digital twin can help clinicians better understand each patient and their health conditions and circumstances in real time and make comprehensive, informed care decisions.
But for the healthcare digital twin to happen, the industry must move away from data silos and towards a digital learning healthcare ecosystem.

A New Era of Personalized Medicine: The Power of Analytics and AI


With experience and expertise in these key areas, the military, aerospace, and automotive industries can serve as healthcare’s best examples:

1.The human cognitive processes of complex decision making.

Activity-Based Costing: Healthcare’s Secret to Doing More with Less

Delivering high-quality, cost-efficient care to specific patient populations within a service line is nearly impossible without a sophisticated costing methodology. Activity-based costing (ABC) provides a nuanced, comprehensive view of cost throughout a patient’s journey and reveals the “true cost” of care—the real cost for each product and service based on its actual consumption—which traditional costing systems don’t provide.


The Healthcare Analytics Summit™: 2019’s Top Data Discoveries and Insights


How Artificial Intelligence Can Overcome Healthcare Data Security Challenges and Improve Patient Trust

As healthcare organizations today face more security threats than ever, artificial intelligence (AI) combined with human judgment is emerging as the perfect pair to improve healthcare data security.
With specific techniques, including supervised and unsupervised machine learning and transparent AI methods, health systems can advance toward more predictive, analytics-based, collaborative privacy analytics infrastructures that safeguard patient privacy.

The 2019 Healthcare Analytics Summit: Thursday Recap

HAS与会者习惯于对数字健康的未来进行创新和预测。但在HAS 19的最后一天,他们亲眼见到了下一代的转变:少年贾斯汀·阿伦森(Justin Aronson)发表了一个主题演讲,主题是数据民主化将如何使他和他的同龄人解决未来几十年的挑战。
其他的主讲人——谷歌的Marianne轻度,前拜耳首席数据官Jessica Federer和Beth Israel Deaconess System的CIO博士John halamka贡献了他们对医疗保健下一个时代的愿景,在20个分组会议中,演讲者分享了将推动数字化转型的经验、过程和技术。

The 2019 Healthcare Analytics Summit: Wednesday Recap

2019年医疗保健分析峰会(HAS 19 -医疗保健分析峰会19)的第一个完整的一天的主题演讲来自托马斯杰斐逊大学首席执行官Steve Klesko博士、畅销书作家Daniel Pink、前新泽西州总检察长Anne Milgram和MDLIVE医疗集团总裁Lyle Berkowitz博士。两波分组会议讲述了来自全国各地组织的成功故事,以及他们通过进一步数字化实现转型的历程。

Justin Aronson: A High School Student and HAS 19 Keynote Who’s Transforming the Understanding of Genetic Variants

High school student Justin Aronson explains how he leverages open-source health laboratory data to build a tool that improves the clinical interpretation of sequenced genetic variants.
Aronson的云数据集成和可视化系统Variant Explorer运行在基因组和表型数据上,这些数据可以在公共档案馆ClinVar上轻松访问。他说,大规模数据民主化是解决当前和未来医疗保健问题的关键。

Healthcare’s Next Revolution: Finding Success in the Medicare Shared Savings Program

在过去的一个世纪里,一系列的革命推动了美国医疗体系的发展,使医疗质量和结果的各个方面都有了显著的改善。Although healthcare organizations have focused on moving towards value-based care for decades, the data shows that the shift is indeed taking place and fee-for-service models are declining.

医疗保险共享储蓄计划(MSSP)的新变化将有助于推动这一变化,因为MSSP的修订要求aco更早地承担更多的财务风险。This article covers the following topics:

4. How to utilize data to develop better healthcare delivery systems.

Healthcare’s Next Revolution: Finding Success in the Medicare Shared Savings Program

在过去的一个世纪里,一系列的革命推动了美国医疗体系的发展,使医疗质量和结果的各个方面都有了显著的改善。Although healthcare organizations have focused on moving towards value-based care for decades, the data shows that the shift is indeed taking place and fee-for-service models are declining.

医疗保险共享储蓄计划(MSSP)的新变化将有助于推动这一变化,因为MSSP的修订要求aco更早地承担更多的财务风险。This article covers the following topics:
4. How to utilize data to develop better healthcare delivery systems.

Introducing Population Builder™: Stratification Module

The Health Catalyst Population Builder: Stratification Module allows healthcare organizations to identify the right patient populations in order to deliver the right care at the right time.

Introducing the Health Catalyst Population Health Foundations Solution: A Data- and Analytics-first Approach to PHM

Introducing the Health Catalyst Population Health Foundations solution, which draws on integrated claims and clinical data, and provides essential, extensible tools and machine-learning capabilities for optimizing results in value-based risk arrangements.
Accompanying solution services ensure that the strategic value of data is maximized to improve performance in risk contracts—and provide side-by-side subject matter expert partnership for establishing short- and long-term goals for population health management.

Clinically Integrated Networks and ACOs : Past, Present, and Future

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and clinically integrated networks (CINs) are two types of organizations working to address the problem of rising costs. As ACOs and CINs continue to evolve, organizations moving into value-based care (VBC) face an ever-changing landscape.

How to Increase Cash Flow Using Data and Analytics


This article tackles, the following topics:

• Common reasons accounts remain unbilled.
• Using data analytics and process improvement to achieve financial goals.
• Creating lasting improvements.

Five Action Items to Improve HCC Coding Accuracy and Risk Adjustment With Analytics


随着近三分之一的医疗保险受益人加入了医疗保险优势计划,医疗机构比以往任何时候都更重要的是关注这种模式,确保医生正确地进行诊断,以确保公平的补偿。本文将介绍风险调整模型的基础知识,为什么编码准确性如此重要,以及跨学科工作组应采取的五个行动项目。They include:

1.Having an accurate problem list.
2.Ensuring patients are seen in each calendar year.
4. Widespread education and communication.
5. Tracking performance and identifying opportunities.

Healthcare NLP: The Secret to Unstructured Data’s Full Potential

While healthcare data is an ever-growing resource, thanks to broader EHR adoption and new sources (e.g., patient-generated data), many health systems aren’t currently leveraging this information cache to its full potential. Analysts can’t extract and analyze a significant portion of healthcare data (e.g., follow-up appointments, vitals, charges, orders, encounters, and symptoms) because it’s in an unstructured, or text, form, which is bigger and more complex than structured data.


Four Steps to Effective Opportunity Analysis


Quarterly opportunity analysis should follow four steps:

• Kicking off the analysis by getting analysts together to do preliminary analysis and brainstorm.
• Engaging with clinicians to identify opportunities and, in the process, get clinician buy in.
• Presenting findings to the decision makers.

The Top Five 2019 Healthcare Trends

Bobbi Brown, MBA, and Stephen Grossbart, PhD have analyzed the biggest changes in the healthcare industry and 2018 and forecasted the trends to watch for in 2019. This report, based on their January 2019, covers the biggest 2019 healthcare trends, including the following:

• Increased consumer demand for more transparency
• CMS proposals to push ACOs into two-sided risk models.

Customer Journey Analytics: Cracking the Patient Engagement Challenge for Payers


How to Build a Healthcare Analytics Team and Solve Strategic Problems


These include the following:

• Recognizing the need for change.
• Demonstrating the value of an analytics team.
• Conducting a current state assessment.

The article also includes the foundation skills to look for when putting together the team and tips on how best to organize.

Leveraging Technology to Increase Patient Satisfaction and Employee Engagement

Health systems are challenged by the need to keep patients and employees satisfied and engaged. This can be especially difficult for organizations in flux, growing, merging, and changing. And as leaders of these organizations know, poor patient satisfaction ratings lead to reduced reimbursements, which affect the bottom line.

Embedding rounding technology into current processes makes rounding better and easier. The correlation between effective, efficient rounding and high patient satisfaction scores is clear. Rounding can and does increase engagement and satisfaction, which in turn leads to higher reimbursement potential. Learn how health system leaders can move from talking about rounding technology to incorporating it into daily workflow.

Unlocking the Power of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs)

卫生系统试图衡量越来越多的临床指标,但这些指标往往忽略了什么对患者重要。患者报告结果(PROs)是增强患者能力和帮助定义良好结果的缺失环节。本文将介绍患者报告的结果度量(PROMs)如何帮助识别最佳实践并推动系统范围内的质量改进。PROMs can help health systems do the following:

• Lead to better shared decision-making.
• Demonstrate value and transparency


Patient Safety Best Practices E-Book: The Intersection of Patient Care and Technology


ACOs: Four Ways Technology Contributes to Success



The article walks through four keys to effectively implementing technology for ACO success:

3.Analyze claims data, identify outliers, including successes and failures.
4. Combine clinical claims, and quality data to identify opportunities for improvement.

The Four Keys to Increasing Hospital Capacity Without Construction

Many health systems have a hospital capacity problem as demand for patient beds rises. When the supply of usable patient beds can’t meet demand, the negative impact on patients and staff can be significant.

Hospitals can solve capacity problems with four key concepts:

1.Using data, start with the problem and the ideal solution.
4. Focus on the impact, not the tool.

Why Clinical Quality Should Drive Healthcare Business Strategy

今天的医疗保健正处于巨大的变革之中。The opportunities for improvement are great if healthcare systems can do the following:

• Reduce clinical variation.
• Follow accepted best care practices.


How to Evaluate Emerging Healthcare Technology With Innovative Analytics

由于医疗系统面临削减成本的压力,但仍需提供高质量的护理,他们将需要从整个护理连续体中寻找答案,减少护理中的差异,并关注新兴技术。本文将介绍如何评估新兴医疗保健技术的安全性和有效性,以及如何使用健壮的数据分析平台确定影响重大的改进项目的优先级。世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测Topics covered include:

• Ways to improve outcomes and decrease costs.
• The value of an analytics platform.
• Identifying and evaluating emerging healthcare technology.

Reducing Hospital Readmissions: A Case for Integrated Analytics

卫生系统继续将减少再次入院列为优先事项,作为其基于价值的支付和人口健康战略的一部分。但是那些没有将分析完全集成到重新接纳减少工作流程中的组织很难达到改进的目标。By embedding predictive models across the continuum of care, versus isolated them in episodes of care, health systems can leverage analytics for meaningful improvement.


Emergency Department Quality Improvement: Transforming the Delivery of Care

Overcrowding in the emergency department has been associated with increased inpatient mortality, increased length of stay, and increased costs for admitted patients. ED wait times and patients who leave without seeing a qualified medical provider are indicators of overcrowding. A data-driven system approach is needed to address these problems and redesign the delivery of emergency care.

这篇文章探讨了急诊护理中常见的问题,并探讨了如何开始一段成功的改善质量的旅程,以转变急诊科的护理交付。including an exploration of the following topics:

• A four-step approach to redesigning the delivery of emergency care.
• Revising High-Impact Workflows.
• Improving the Patient Experience.

Social Determinants of Health: Tools to Leverage Today’s Data Imperative

健康社会决定因素(SDOH)数据捕捉了医疗服务系统以外对患者健康的影响。传统的健康数据(例如,来自医疗保健的数据)只讲述了患者和人群健康故事的一部分。为了解健康影响的全部范围(例如,从环境到关系和就业状况),各组织需要患者日常生活的数据。由于基于价值的支付日益迫使卫生系统提高质量和降低成本,在今天,SDOH数据的紧迫性特别强。Without fuller insight into patient health (what happens beyond healthcare encounters) organizations can’t align with community services to help patients meet needs of daily living—prerequisites for maintaining good health.

Standardizing SDOH data into healthcare workflows, however, requires an informed strategy. Health systems will benefit by following a standardization protocol that includes relevant and comprehensive domains, engages patients, enables broader understanding of patient health, integrates with organizational EHRs, and is easy for clinicians to follow.

Improving Quality Measures Can Lead to Better Outcomes

Current quality measures are expensive and time consuming to report, and they don’t necessarily improve care. Many health systems are looking for better ways to measure the quality of their care, and they are using data analytics to achieve this goal. Data analytics can be helpful with quality improvement. There are four key considerations to evaluate quality measures:

1.Organizations must develop measures that are more clinically relevant and better represent the care provided.
2.临床医生的认可是至关重要的。Without it, quality improvement initiatives are less likely to succeed.
3.围绕改进工作的工具和工作上的投资必须增加。Tools should include data analytics.
4. Measure improvement must translate to improvement in the care being measured.


The Digitization of Healthcare: Why the Right Approach Matters and Five Steps to Get There


Health systems can follow five guidelines to digitize in a sustainable, impactful way:

1.Achieve and maintain clinician and patient engagement.
2.Adopt a modern commercial digital platform.
4. Understand the importance of data to drive AI insights.
5. Prioritize data volume.

A Framework for High-Reliability Organizations in Healthcare

Drs. Allen Frankel and Michael Leonard have developed a framework for creating high-reliability organizations in healthcare. This report, based on their 2018 webinar, covers the components and factors of this frame work, including:

• Leadership
• Transparency
• Reliability
• Improvement and Measurement
• Continuous Learning
• Negotiation
• Teamwork and Communication
• Accountability
• Psychological Safety

The Healthcare Data Warehouse: Lessons from the First 20 Years

Twenty years after Intermountain Healthcare launched its enterprise data warehouse in 1998, industry leaders are looking at what they did right, what they’d do differently, and what the future holds for healthcare data and analytics.
While early successes (such as a hiring framework of social, domain, and technical skills; lightweight data governance; and late-binding architecture) continue to hold their value, advanced analytics and technology and innovation in diagnosis and treatment are reshaping the capabilities of and demands on the healthcare data warehouse.
Present-day and future healthcare IT leaders will have to revisit approaches to data warehousing people, processes, and technology to understand how they can improve, continue to adapt, and fully leverage emerging opportunities.

Three Principles for Making Healthcare Data Analytics Actionable


Three principles form the foundation for actionable healthcare data analytics:


Four Critical Phases for Effective Healthcare Data Governance

Based on a 2018 Healthcare Analytics Summit presentation, this report details the four phases necessary for successful healthcare data governance:

1.Elevate a vision and agenda that align with organizational priorities.
2.Establish an organizational structure to fulfill the data governance mandate.
4. Extend data governance investments and efforts through established practices.

Each step must follow the core principles of stakeholder engagement, shared understanding, alignment, and focus. Effective healthcare data governance is not a one-time event and requires ongoing and iterative efforts.

The Secret to Patient Compliance: An Application of The Four Tendencies Framework

Every day, healthcare professionals face the challenge of determining how to get patients to make good healthcare decisions and follow recommendations. The Four Tendencies framework, developed byThe New York Times畅销书作家格雷琴·鲁宾(Gretchen Rubin)可以让这个任务变得更容易,并通过揭示每个人对期望的反应来提高病人的依从性。By asking this question, healthcare practitioners can gain exciting insights into how patients respond to expectations to in order to help them achieve their goals.

This report covers the following:


Lean Healthcare: 6 Methodologies for Improvement from Dr. Brent James

医疗保健组织的生存依赖于应用精益原则。采用精益原则的组织可以在提高护理质量的同时减少浪费。通过在日常护理中应用严格的临床数据测量方法,医疗保健系统确定最佳实践协议,并将其纳入临床工作流程。Data from these best practices are applied through continuous-learning loop that enables teams across the organization to update and improve protocols–ultimately reducing waste, lowering costs, and improving access to care.

This executive report based on a presentation by Dr. Brent James at a regional medical center, covers the following:


Infographic: Statistics from the 2018 Healthcare Analytics Summit

2018年医疗保健分析峰会的统计数据在这张有趣的信息图中展示。A few of those statistics show our commitment to put on an educational, valuable summit:

• 1300 attendees from 419 organizations
• 97% overall satisfaction rating
• 98% likely to recommend to a friend

The 2018 Healthcare Analytics Summit: Thursday Recap

Dr. Penny Wheeler shared some important tips about improvement.


The first full-day of the 2018 Healthcare Analytics Summit (HAS 18) featured keynotes from Marc Randolph (Co-Founder, Netflix), Dr. Brent James, Dr. Daniel Kraft, Dr. Toby Cosgrove, Dr. Jill Hoggard Green, and Dr. Robert Wachter. Two waves of breakout sessions covered success stories from organizations all over the nations, complete with countless lessons learned.

Survey Shows the Role of Technology in the Progress of Patient Safety


调查受访者表示,无效的信息技术以及相关的对可能的危害事件缺乏实时预警是改善患者安全的最大障碍。They cited a number of key obstacles:

1.Lack of resources.
2.Organization structure.
4. Changes in patient population.


Five Reasons Why Health Catalyst Acquired Medicity and What It Means for Interoperability, as Explained by Dale Sanders, President of Technology

Why did Health Catalyst acquire Medicity? Dale Sanders, President of Technology, shares five reasons and what it means for interoperability:

1.Medicity has several petabytes of valuable data content.
2.Medicity’s data governance expertise.
3.Medicity’s 7 x 24 real-time cloud operations expertise.
4. Medicity’s expertise in real-time EHR integration.
5. Medicity’s presence and expertise in the loosely affiliated, community ambulatory care management space.

Data Warehousing in Healthcare: A Guide to Success

Looking for a way to share his extensive experience with data warehousing in healthcare, in 2002 Dale Sanders wrote what many consider to be the “EDW Bible.”
它是一个具有指导原则的文档,如果遵循它,将推动数据仓库的价值和利用率。We’ve made that report available now.

The Future of Healthcare AI: An Honest, Straightforward Q&A

Health Catalyst President of Technology, Dale Sanders, gives straightforward answers to tough questions about the future of AI in healthcare.
他首先驳斥了一个普遍的观点:由于采用了电子病历,我们在医疗保健领域充斥着有价值的数据。The truth involves a need for deeper data about a patient.

The Key to Healthcare Mergers and Acquisitions Success: Don’t Rip and Replace Your IT

This report, based upon his July 2017 webinar, outlines the importance of a data-first strategy and introduces the Health Catalyst®数据操作系统平台。世界杯厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔波胆预测DOS可以在促进IT战略方面发挥关键作用,以适应日益增长的医疗保健并购环境。

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