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Health Catalyst Powers $1.5 Billion in Validated Measurable Improvements

June 23, 2022
Posted inPress Releases

300 Customer Case Studies Document Health Catalyst’s Efforts to Power Clinical, Operational, and Financial Improvements

Salt Lake City, Utah – June 23, 2022 – Health Catalyst, Inc. (“Health Catalyst,” Nasdaq: HCAT), a leading provider of data and analytics technology and services to healthcare organizations, today announced it has documented over 5.4 million lives positively impacted by improvement initiatives, $1.5 billion in validated measurable improvements, and 300 case studies – a result of its data and analytics technology, professional services, and deep customer relationships.

The total annual cost of healthcare waste, which ranges between$760 billion and $935 billion根据《美国医学会杂志》(JAMA)的一份报告,这种疾病继续困扰着医疗保健行业。领导者迫切需要经过验证的、可持续的、可扩展的解决方案,既能对成本曲线产生积极影响,又不会牺牲高质量的患者护理。2022卡塔尔世界杯赛程表时间Health catalyst的使命是成为大规模的、可测量的、基于数据的医疗保健改善的催化剂,事实证明,Health catalyst技术和服务在影响医疗保健行业的巨大挑战中取得了可测量的进展。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地

“我们从2013年开始记录客户在临床、运营和财务方面的改善。从那时起,我们找到了一个最佳点,将我们世界级的技术、我们团队成员的专门客户服务以及我们独特的价值架构方法结合在一起。因此,寻求可扩展的、可持续的医疗保健转型和改善绩效的医疗保健领导者继续选择与我们合作,以实现临床、运营和财务上的成功,”价值架构高级副总裁、注册护士Leslie Falk说。

Within the Health Catalyst customer-base of over 400 healthcare organizations, payers, and life science organizations exists limitless potential for data and analytics technology to yield healthcare improvement that is both scalable and sustainable. Documented case studies highlight the clinical, operational, and financial transformations of some of theworld’s most respected healthcare organizationsand include significant advancement against disease states such assepsis,stroke, anddiabetes等等。

Health Catalyst首席执行官丹·伯顿(Dan Burton)说:“实现大规模、可衡量的医疗改革是一场马拉松,而不是短跑。但今天,我们庆祝取得的成就是:记录了540万人受到的积极影响,并投入15亿美元进行了有效的可衡量的改善。”世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地“如果没有我们医疗保健客户的信任和承诺,以及Health Catalyst团队成员的辛勤工作和奉献,这一非凡的里程碑是不可能实现的,他们每天都在为改善地球上每一位患者的护理做好准备。”世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地

About Health Catalyst

世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地is a leading provider of data and analytics technology and services to healthcare organizations committed to being the catalyst for massive, measurable, data-informed healthcare improvement. Its customers leverage the cloud-based data platform—powered by data from more than 100 million patient records and encompassing trillions of facts—as well as its analytics software and professional services expertise to make data-informed decisions and realize measurable clinical, financial, and operational improvements. Health Catalyst envisions a future in which all healthcare decisions are data informed.

Media Contact:

Amanda Hundt
Vice President, Corporate Communications, Health Catalyst

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