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Queen’s Medical Center and Health Catalyst Recognized by KLAS Points of Light 2022 Award

May 5, 2022

KLAS的付款人/供应商研究旨在通过促进付款人、供应商和HIT供应商之间的信任、协作和校准来帮助减少摩擦。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地健康催化剂荣幸地获得一个为数不多的光点奖与女王的健康系统的合作工作。Together, we worked on aninnovative care management programused to cut costs and transform the lives of super-utilizers.


Recognized for

Innovative Care Management Program Used toCut CostsandTransform LivesSuper-Utilizers。

points of light data and analytics

Leveraging Data and Analytics

Innovative care management program utilized highly customized feeds of claims data, including utilization rates and total cost of care, to identify super-utilizer patients who would benefit from intervention.


Key Results

This Initiative DeliveredDramatic Improvement in Patient Outcomesand Costs for a Vulnerable Population.

“Queen’s Care Coalition hasimproved health equity and transformed lives.We have seen people who were homeless and routinely assaulted reshape their lives. They’re now living independently, going to their medical appointments, adopting pets—living full, healthier lives.

– Ashley Shearer, LCSW, CSAC, Manager, Queen’s Care Coalition
routine-dr-visit-senior patient

了解如何利用Health Catalyst的数据和分析,将数据转换为可衡量的价值。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地

ASCO 2022 Annual Meeting

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