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Using COVID-19 Value Sets for Patient Identification

August 6, 2020
Sadiqa Mahmood, DDS, MPH

General Manager & Senior Vice President, Life Sciences Business

Article Summary

The U.S. healthcare system was not prepared for a health crisis of the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hospitals are working to facilitate widespread distribution of information within their organization and to local, state, and federal authorities to successfully manage this novel infection. EHRs and Lab Information Systems (LISs) have become public health tools for disease surveillance and management.

Due to signification variation in EHR data, informatics tools are needed to define patients with suspected SARS-Cov2 Infection and confirmed COVID-19 infection. With the aim of building an extensible model for a COVID-19 database, Health Catalyst has built a detailed approach that leverages a heuristic methodology for capturing both confirmed and suspected cases.

Health Catalyst has proposed value sets that define two patient cohorts for the registry for confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients, stratified further into three levels of confidence: high confidence suspected, moderate confidence suspected, and low confidence suspected.

Up next:
Hospital Capacity Management: How to Prepare for COVID-19 Patient Surges
Jason Jones, PhD

Chief Analytics and Data Science Officer, General Manager, Data and Analytics Platform

John Hansmann, MSIE, LFHIMSS, DSHS

Professional Services, VP

Monica Horvath

Strategic Consultant, Health Intelligence & Product Adoption

Since theWorld Health Organization(WHO) declared the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a pandemic on March 11, 2020, the United States has become the epicenter of the disease.1While the numbers continue to increase, there are 4,710,282 confirmed cases1超过了西班牙、意大利、德国、法国和中国的全国病例数量。这次大流行凸显了一个事实,那就是美国的医疗系统并没有准备好应对如此严重的健康危机。2电子病历和实验室信息系统(LISs)已成为疾病监测和管理的公共卫生工具。医院正在努力促进信息在其组织内的广泛传播,并向地方、州和联邦当局成功地管理这种新型感染。

此外,有关检测试剂盒、呼吸机和个人防护设备(PPE)稀疏的报告促使迫切需要一种计算超驰能力需求的方法。3EHR data has significant variation and informatics tools are needed to define patients with suspected SARS-Cov2 Infection and confirmed COVID-19 infection. With the aim of building an extensible model for a COVID-19 database, we have built a detailed approach that leverages a heuristic methodology for capturing both confirmed and suspected cases.

Based on the guidance provided by the CDC,4,5WHO,6, 7AMA,8NLM VSAC,9AAPC10and published literature, we propose value sets that define two patient cohorts for the registry of confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients, stratified further into three levels of confidence: high confidence suspected, moderate confidence suspected, and low confidence suspected. These value sets are based on ICD-10-CM codes (Supplemental Table 2) and will continue to evolve as we understand more about COVID-19, and as clinical practices change over time. Using the four patient cohorts for the registry defined using the value sets above, patient care outcomes can be studied.


We developed modified indicators that classify diagnosis codes into one of six value-sets (Diagnosis-Grain) and added additional logic on top of this to classify a patient into one of four diagnosis categories (Patient-Grain) intended to represent varying levels of diagnostic certainty. This was developed using Health Catalyst Touchstone® data with the intent to capture suspected C-19 patients not readily identifiable by lab tests and preceding widespread adoption of the ICD-10 code U07.1 for confirmed COVID-19, released for use on April 1, 2020.


1) Confirmed COVID-19
2) Viral exposure
3) Coronavirus-related
4) Associated COVID-19 Diagnoses
5) Severe Associated COVID-19 Diagnoses
6) COVID-19 Symptoms

Patient-Grain: [Figure 1]

1) Confirmed COVID-19
2) Suspected: High Confidence
3) Suspected: Moderate Confidence
4) Suspected: Low Confidence

Fig. 1. Proposed Use of Value Sets for Generating COVID-19 Patient Cohorts Using COVID-19 Categorization Logic

Chart - Text string diagnosis description
*Text String is related to diagnosis description
Chart - Suspected high confidence
Chart - Suspected moderate confidence
Chart - Suspected low confidence

Key Differences Between CDC and Health Catalyst Value Sets:

Value Set: Confirmed COVID-19 Patients

The confirmed cohort removes ICD-10 Code B97.29 “Other coronavirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere” as this code captures all coronaviruses (including and in addition to COVID-19). People around the world are commonly infected with human coronaviruses 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1. There are additional human coronaviruses that are captured through the use of ICD-10 code B97.2. In our diagnosis logic, patients with this code are classified as “Suspected: High Confidence”if they do nothave a positive non-COVID-19 coronavirus lab test.

CDC Value-set: COVID-19 Confirmed 世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地健康催化剂值集:COVID-19 Confirmed
U07.1 COVID-19 virus infection U07.1 COVID-19 virus infection
B97.29 Other coronavirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere Discuss U07.2 CODE (further discussion ongoing at HCAT)
*see Patient-grain diagnosis for non-ICD elements that identify C-19 positive patients.

Value Set: Associated Diagnosis

Associatedadds additional ICD-10 codes capturing the same or similar diagnoses as those documented in the CDC Guidelines, but extends beyond the specific ICD-10 codes documented in CDC Guidance. This is to account for varying usage of ICD-10 codes by clinicians across health systems. This value-set is intended to capture diagnoses characteristic of COVID-19 (moderate in severity, as mild symptoms and severe complications are captured in separate value-sets). Two codes have been moved to the Health Catalyst Severe Diagnosis value-set for purposes of use in the patient-grain diagnosis logic.

CDC Value-set: COVID-19 Associated Diagnosis 世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地健康催化剂值集:COVID-19 Associated Diagnosis
A41.89 Other specified sepsis *A41.89 is moved to ‘severe’ value-set
J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified
J12.89 Other viral pneumonia J12.89 Other viral pneumonia
J12.9 Viral pneumonia, unspecified
J18.9 Pneumonia, unspecified organism
J20.8 Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms J20.8 Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms
J20.9 Acute bronchitis, unspecified
J22 Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection J22 Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection
J40 Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic J40 Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic
J80 Acute respiratory distress syndrome *J80 is moved to ‘severe’ value-set
J98.8 Other specified respiratory disorders J98.8 Other specified respiratory disorders

Value Set: Suspected COVID-19 Patients

Health Catalyst value-sets place the below codes in different value-sets for the purposes of allowing the patient-grain diagnosis logic to require additional elements to increase confidence that these codes are not representing non-C-19 coronaviruses. Clinically, these codes are intended to be used in conjunction with other diagnosis codes. Our value-sets do not includeICD-10 code Z03.818 “Encounter for observation for suspected exposure to other biological agents ruled out”as the guidance for this code is to be used to document casesruled out.

世界各地的人们普遍感染人类冠状病毒229E、NL63、OC43和HKU1。Please see additional human coronaviruses that are captured through use of ICD-10 codes B34.2 and B97.2.

CDC Value-set: COVID-19 Suspected
世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地健康催化剂值集:COVID-19 Suspected
B34.2 Coronavirus infection, unspecified *moved to ‘coronavirus related’ value-set
B97.2 SARS-associated coronavirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere *moved to ‘coronavirus related’ value-set
Z03.818 Encounter for observation for suspected exposure to other biological agents ruled out *Removed – indicates casesruled out
Z20.828 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to other viral communicable diseases* *moved to ‘viral exposure’ value-set
*Please note thatZ20.828is not specific to exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus; this code also captures exposure to other viruses including measles, influenza, mononucleosis, herpes, mumps, RSV etc…

Value Sets: Coronavirus-Related and Viral Exposure

The codes in this value-set are found in the CDC Value-set ‘Suspected’ but are moved to their own value-sets for the purposes of the Patient-Grain logic.

世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地健康催化剂值集:Viral Exposure
Z20.828 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to other viral communicable diseases (Not specific to COVID-19)
Health Catalyst Coronavirus-Related
B34.2 Coronavirus infection, unspecified (Not specific to C-19)
B97.21 SARS-associated coronavirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere (Not specific to C-19)
B97.29 Other coronavirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere (Not specific to C-19)

Value Set: Severe Associated COVID-19 Diagnoses

This value-set is intended to be used in conjunction with other value-sets in thePatient-Grain Diagnosis Logicto help identify those patients who have developed severe symptoms/complications associated with C-19 likely requiring hospital-level care,in addition toother known C-19 symptoms and/or associated diagnoses. This is a compilation of some of the most commonly noted severe complications of COVID-19 noted in the literature.

Health Catalyst:Severe Associated COVID-19 Diagnoses
A41.89 Other specified sepsis
A41.9 Sepsis, unspecified organism
I50 Heart failure
I50.1 Left ventricular failure, unspecified
I50.20 Unspecified systolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.21 Acute systolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.23 Acute on chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.3 Diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.30 Unspecified diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.31 Acute diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.33 Acute on chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.40 Unspecified combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.41 Acute combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.42 Chronic combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.43 Acute on chronic combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.810 Right heart failure, unspecified
I50.811 Acute right heart failure
I50.813 Acute on chronic right heart failure
I50.814 Right heart failure due to left heart failure
I50.82 Biventricular heart failure
I50.83 High output heart failure
I50.89 Other heart failure
I50.9 Heart failure, unspecified
I51.3 Intracardiac thrombosis, not elsewhere classified
I51.4 Myocarditis, unspecified
I51.5 Myocardial degeneration
I51.9 Heart disease, unspecified
J80 Acute respiratory distress syndrome
R06.03 Acute respiratory distress
R65.11 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) of non-infectious origin with acute organ dysfunction
R65.20 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) of non-infectious origin with acute organ dysfunction, without septic shock
R65.21 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) of non-infectious origin with acute organ dysfunction, with septic shock

Value Set: COVID-19 Symptoms

This value-set is intended to be used in conjunction with other value-sets in thePatient-Grain Diagnosis Logicto help identify those patients who have symptoms of C-19in addition toother known C-19 severe complications and/or associated diagnoses. This is a compilation of some of the most commonly noted symptoms and emerging symptoms of COVID-19 noted in the literature.

Health Catalyst Value-set:COVID-19 Symptoms
H10 Conjunctivitis
H10.011 Acute follicular conjunctivitis, right eye
H10.012 Acute follicular conjunctivitis, left eye
H10.013 Acute follicular conjunctivitis, bilateral
H10.019 Acute follicular conjunctivitis, unspecified eye
H10.021 Other mucopurulent conjunctivitis, right eye
H10.022 Other mucopurulent conjunctivitis, left eye
H10.023 Other mucopurulent conjunctivitis, bilateral
H10.029 Other mucopurulent conjunctivitis, unspecified eye
H10.231 Serous conjunctivitis, except viral, right eye
H10.232 Serous conjunctivitis, except viral, left eye
H10.233 Serous conjunctivitis, except viral, bilateral
H10.239 Serous conjunctivitis, except viral, unspecified eye
H10.30 Unspecified acute conjunctivitis, unspecified eye
H10.31 Unspecified acute conjunctivitis, right eye
H10.32 Unspecified acute conjunctivitis, left eye
H10.33 Unspecified acute conjunctivitis, bilateral
H10.89 Other conjunctivitis
H10.9 Unspecified conjunctivitis
M79.10 Myalgia, unspecified site
R05 Cough
R06.0 Dyspnea
R06.00 Dyspnea, unspecified
R06.01 Orthopnea
R06.02 Shortness of breath
R06.03 Acute respiratory distress
R06.09 Other forms of dyspnea
R07.0 Pain in throat
R07.1 Chest pain on breathing
R07.2 Precordial pain
R07.8 Other chest pain
R07.81 Pleurodynia
R07.82 Intercostal pain
R07.89 Other chest pain
R07.9 Chest pain, unspecified
R43.0 Anosmia
R43.1 Parosmia
R43.2 Parageusia
R43.9 Unspecified disturbances of smell and taste
R50 Fever of other and unknown origin
R50.81 Fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere
R50.9 Fever, unspecified
R51 Headache
R53 Malaise and fatigue

Lab Test Knowledge Curation

Due in part to the critical diagnostic importance of lab testing, lab test result data are key to understanding the clinical state of patients as well as surveillance of patient populations. However, in EHR systems lab test result data are often stored with local codes or strings for lab test types and test result values rather than codes from widely standardized terminologies such as LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes).19In such cases, there is a need to ascertain the types of the lab tests and the meanings of the result values automatically over a large volume of lab result data without the benefit of a uniform standard lab terminology across the various EHR systems from which the lab result data are sourced.


Figure 2. Laboratory Test Knowledge Curation Workflow

Chart - Lab Test Knowledge Curation Workflow


  1. Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.COVID-19 Map[Internet]. [cited 2020 May18].
  2. Lipsitch M, Swerdlow DL, Finelli L. Defining the Epidemiology of Covid-19 – Studies Needed. N Engl J Med. 2020 Mar 26;382(13):1194-1196. doi:10.1056/NEJMp2002125.
  3. Hospital Experiences Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results of a National Pulse Survey March 23–27, 2020. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. [cited 2020 Apr 10].
  4. Consortium for Clinical Characterization of COVID-19by EHR. [cited 2020 May 21].
  5. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Human Infection with 2019 Novel Coronavirus Person Under Investigation (PUI) and Case Report Form. [cited 2020 Apr 10].
  6. 世界卫生组织。Emergency Use ICD Codes for COVID-19 disease outbreak. [cited 2020 May 21].
  7. COVID-19 coding in ICD-10. World Health Organization. [cited 2020 May 21].
  8. American Medical Association.COVID-19 coding and guidance. [cited 2020 May 21].
  9. National Library of Medicine. COVID-19 Value Sets in VSAC. [cited 2020 May 21].
  10. American Academy of Professional Coders. COVID-19: Your Medical Coding and Compliance Headquarters [cited 2020 May 21].

Additional Reading

Would you like to learn more about this topic? Here are some articles we suggest:

  1. Steps for Effective Patient and Staff Contact Tracing to Defend Against COVID-19 Spread
  2. How to Scale Telehealth Solutions to Increase Patient Access During COVID-19
  3. Activity-Based Costing in Healthcare During COVID-19: Meeting Four Critical Needs
  4. What Health Systems Need to Know About COVID-19 Relief Funding
  5. Cross-State Nurse Licensing: One Way to Improve Care During COVID-19
Hospital Capacity Management: How to Prepare for COVID-19 Patient Surges

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