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Bridging the Data and Trust Gaps: Why Health Catalyst Entered the Life Sciences Market

May 2, 2019
Dale Sanders

Strategic Advisor

Article Summary

Why would a healthcare data warehousing and analytics company partner with the life sciences industry? Because trust and collaboration across the industry—between life sciences, healthcare delivery systems, and insurance—is the only path to real healthcare transformation.

世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地Health Catalyst认识到,与生命科学合作是一个全行业的改进机会,以建立互信,整合数据,并利用分析见解来实现共同利益(即患者结果)。By aligning themselves around human health fulfillment, Health Catalyst, their provider partners, and life sciences will advance important healthcare goals:

1. Improving clinical trial design and execution.
2. Stimulating clinical innovation.
3. Supporting population health.
4. Reducing pharmaceutical costs.
5. Improving drug safety and pharmacovigilance.

Men and women working in a lab

世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地Health Catalyst之所以进入生命科学领域,是因为我们坚信美国医疗保健行业的三大实体——生命科学、医疗保健交付系统和保险——需要更有效地合作,以降低医疗保健成本,同时改善护理。I’ve said for years that an enterprise is never integrated until itsdatais integrated and leveraged for analytics. Integrated, shared data is a proxy for trust—and all parties must establish mutual trust before they can share and integrate data for a common interest. In this case, that mutual interest should be patient outcomes (i.e., lower costs and higher quality of care).


A 50-Year Vision for Trust and Human Fulfillment

In addition to our data management and analytics capabilities, Health Catalyst has two other cultural brands we cherish and will never forgo—patient outcomes and trust. We are entering the life sciences space to bridge the data and trust gaps between healthcare delivery systems and life sciences, particularly pharma, to benefit patient outcomes.

U.S. healthcare can’t keep operating in the separate and selfish worlds of the three Ps: payers, providers, and pharma. Health Catalyst has no interest in tarnishing our brand by being yet another patient data profiteer among the three. Frankly, that’s repulsive to our culture. We are applying common sense and human decency in pursuit of lower cost, higher quality healthcare for all of us. If we maintain that motive of better, more affordable care, business profits for everyone will naturally and fairly accrue.

We will never sell patient data. That’s a short-term market anyway. Data is becoming a commodity. It’s the analytics derived from that data, combined with the cultural willingness to take action on the insights, that spells long-term success. We are building a brand with a 50-year vision for enabling the mental, physical, and emotional fulfillment of human life.

Someday, the Health Catalyst brand will be associated with athletic and academic achievement and the selfless charity of human spirit. Someday, patients and physicians will both say, “Let’s see what Health Catalyst has to say about your condition.” As a step on that journey, we will integrate deidentified patient data with pharma data and leverage the analytics insights to improve patient outcomes.

在制药行业,“真实世界证据”(RWE)是一个热门短语,但它是基于临床试验的。你猜怎么着?临床试验并不是病人生活的真实世界。现实世界的证据来自现实世界的患者护理,这也是Health Catalyst与我们当前客户基础的所在。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳即时走地让生命科学和提供者走到一起是我们50年愿景中至关重要的一步。

Our Trust Above All

Make no mistake about it—we are not blind to the distrust of the pharma industry and how some might see our entry into this market as shaking hands with the devil. I read a recent Gallup survey that ranked pharma and life sciences at the bottom of consumer trust. Only the federal government was lower. But someone who is trusted needs to at least attempt to bring the parties and data together.

作为一个国家,我们不能继续像现在这样在医疗保健方面运作。医疗费用正在摧毁经济,并在很大程度上造成了今天存在的经济差距和社会动荡。叫我们幼稚。我们不关心。我们将努力做出改变。We will not engage in this life sciences market unless itraisesour brand of trust and patient outcomes. If our entry looks like it will tarnish our brand, or even begin to, we’ll exit.

Unprecedented Real-World Experience

At a tactical level, when I was leading the data warehouse at Intermountain Healthcare in the late 1990s, I collaborated with several pharma companies to better understand the post-marketsafetyand effectiveness of their drugs. They paid to cover the analytics services and technology fees. They learned while we learned, and it all rolled back into better patient outcomes.

This collaboration was unprecedented at the time because EHRs and healthcare data warehouses essentially didn’t exist. But I could see that, by partnering with pharma rather than distrusting them, our local community of patients and broader society would benefit. I did the same thing at Northwestern, and I’ve consulted on similar initiatives in Canada and the U.K. I taught graduate-level classes at Northwestern on the legal and ethical issues of data, analytics, and decision support in healthcare.

I’ve spent thousands of hours in this space, debating and pondering the pros and cons of integrating and analyzing deidentified patient data versus not doing so because of patient privacy issues. As a former Air Force officer and analyst for the NSA tasked with protecting the country’s most sensitive data, I can assure you, we can protect the privacy of patients. Don’t let the fear mongers convince you otherwise. Our deidentified healthcare data has enormous societal value. Contributing de-identified data for clinical and healthcare operations research is the digital equivalent of donating blood and organs for the benefit of others.



A Passion for Rare Disease



The ripple effect in our economy and social fabric from small n diseases is much, much bigger than the population of patients who are diagnosed. If we don’t bring together the trust and the data from life sciences, insurance, and healthcare delivery to address these rare diseases, we should hang our heads in shame as a country.

While there is certainly value in addressing the pandemic of chronic disease in the U.S., our entry into the life sciences market is particularly motivated by our passion to improve the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases. We want to enable breakthroughs. Someday soon, I want Health Catalyst to provide direct-to-patient analytics and AI so that all patients, particularly those with rare diseases, can query our databases to learn more about patients like themselves:

  • 在更广泛的人群中还有多少像他们这样的患者?
  • Where are they being treated?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Which physicians have the highest volumes of care for the disease?
  • What are the patterns of treatment protocols?
  • 结果是什么?

It’s Time for a New Approach

Unlike the many data profiteers in healthcare, it’s time for a trusted brand with proven expertise to take a different run at collaboration—as an advocate for the patient, not the corporation. What many companies don’t understand is that if you align yourselves to the purest motive—in this case, human health fulfillment—corporate success follows naturally. By bringing pharma and providers together through analytics as a trusted intermediary, we can improve clinical trial design and execution, stimulate clinical innovation, support population health through medication adherence and health economics and outcomes research, reduce pharmaceutical costs by optimizing prescribing and adherence, and improve drug safety and pharmacovigilance. And that’s just the beginning.

Additional Reading

Would you like to learn more about this topic? Here are some articles we suggest:

  1. Extended Real-World Data: The Life Science Industry’s Number One Asset
  2. Health Catalyst Adds World-Class Expertise in AI and Life Sciences
  3. Preventing Medication Errors: A $21 Billion Opportunity
  4. Transforming Healthcare Analytics: Five Critical Steps

PowerPoint Slides

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