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Preventing Medication Errors: A $21 Billion Opportunity

December 11, 2018
Stan Pestotnik, MS, RPh

Patient Safety Products, VP

Article Summary

With a potential industry-wide savings of almost $21 billion and an impact on more than seven million patient lives, preventing harmful medication error is a significant improvement opportunity for health systems. Also known as adverse drugs events (ADEs), harmful medication errors comprise about 37 percent of all medical harm. Approximately 50 percent of ADEs are preventable, making their reduction a highly impactable area of patient safety.

Current data and analytics workflow tools are making ADE surveillance, monitoring, and prevention increasingly more effective with four key capabilities:

1. Perspective surveillance for ADEs and identification of previously undescribed ADEs.
2. Identification of the root cause of many ADEs by drug class.
3. Prescription at appropriate doses for patients with compromised kidney or liver functions.
4. Identification of different types of harm to find causes.

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Addressing Healthcare Waste Through Centralization
David Grauer, MBA, MHSA

Senior Vice President Professional Services

With the majority of hospitalized patients today receiving medications, health systems face a significant risk for harmful medication errors, or preventable adverse drug events (ADEs). According to a 2008estimatefrom the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, patient harm due to ADEs comprise a sizeable yet impactable portion of safety events:

  • Permanent harm from a medical error affects approximately one in seven hospitalized Medicare patients.
  • ADEs are associated with 37 percent of medical harm events.
  • 50%的ADEs是可以预防的。

Error (medication of other) doesn’t correlate one-to-one with harm. Errors can be near misses, in which a mistake or miscalculation doesn’t make it to the patient; only a small portion filter through to cause harm.

The breadth and depth of ADE impact creates an obvious cost and quality issue for healthcare organizations but also a sizeableopportunity改善方面:可能节省近210亿美元,并对700多万患者产生影响。卫生系统历来没有有效地应对ADEs。然而,今天,随着决策支持软件能够实时监测患者群体,医疗保健在ADE检测、监测和预防方面取得了重大进展。

Patient Data Is a Key Asset in Preventing Medication Errors

Shared interest in drug safety between the FDA and health systems sparked initial research into ways to identify ADEs. In the 1990s, a largehealth systemused its EMR data to identify specific types of patient harm, similarly to how it used the EMR in infectious disease surveillance. The health system started using its EMR data to develop triggers for specific types of patient harm (e.g., sudden medication-stop orders, antidote ordering, and certain abnormal laboratory values). The trigger system generated a daily list of potential ADEs among the patient population, and pharmacists classified risk according to severity and risk type (e.g., dose dependent, predictable, idiosyncratic, or allergic).

Using EMR data and triggers over 18 months, the health system verified 731 ADEs in 648 patients. They compared thedata– and analytics-enabled approach to traditional detection methods, which identified only nine ADEs during the same period.

Therapeutic Advances Make ADEs More Important than Ever


When the drug reaches the general public, prescribing clinicians don’t have the data or clinical trial experience to know how it affects people with a variety of comorbidities. These blind spots, along with exposing large groups of patients to the agent (often larger numbers than in the original clinical trials), create a risk for ADEs that the premarketing, phase three trials didn’t discover. If the general population outcomes are bad, the FDA removes the drug from the market. Pharmaceutical companies stand to lose up to millions of dollars invested in getting the drug to market, and patients lose the opportunity for a potentially effective therapy.


Post-Marketing Drug Surveillance Requires a Clinical Workflow Tool

A clinical workflow (decision-support) tool that leverages triggers (e.g., the Health Catalyst® Patient Safety Monitor™ Suite: Surveillance Module) allows drug safety teams to evaluate and take critical action against ADEs:

  • 预测并检测ADE。
  • 进行干预并降低风险。
  • Prevent the ADE.

例如,使用决策支持触发器,该工作流工具将临床医生的注意力集中在接受抗凝剂的患者上,该患者的实验室结果为原因不明的出血,激活的部分凝血酶活时间(aPTT)大于300,收缩压<90 mmHg。这表明病人可能正在经历一次重大的药物性出血事件。该工作流程工具指导临床医生找到可能导致这种严重不良事件的药物,并就如何减轻该事件提供进一步的指导。来自自动化、前瞻性监控的高级分析——结合包括结构性根本原因分析、可能性和严重程度评估的临床评估——为机器学习算法提供了流行病学上可靠的数据。这些算法驱动了先进的决策支持应用程序,旨在防止在未来的患者中使用冒犯性药物或类似药物治疗不良事件。

Figure 1 shows the ADE clinical surveillance workflow, including detection; characterization and analysis; and measurement. The workflow gives clinicians the data they need to understand and make critical decisions about ADE mitigation:

  1. Which patients do I need to see?
  2. What should I do?
  3. 我为什么要这么做?
Visualization of ADE clinical surveillance workflow
Figure 1: ADE clinical surveillance workflow

Four Meaningful Ways Post-Marketing Drug Surveillance Improves Patient Safety

Post-marketing drug surveillance with an ADE clinical surveillance workflow tool helps improvepatient safety对住院患者来说,有四个关键途径:

  1. 对不良事件进行远景监测,并在患者人群中识别以前未描述的不良事件。If the drug proves harmful, or harmful to certain patients at certain doses, the FDA removes it from the market.
  2. Determines the root cause of many ADEs by drug class.
  3. Enables drugs prescribed at appropriate doses for patients with compromised kidney or liver functions (a high risk among patients today).
  4. Identifies different types of harm to find causes.

Safer Patients, Billions of Dollars Saved

As healthcare continues to develop and use more, increasingly powerful drugs, risks for ADEs will rise along with the potential for effective treatments. One way that health systems can help manage patient harm due to medication is to adopt a decision support tool that enables real-time surveillance of patient populations and advanced analytics to identify risk for ADEs and suggest preventive action.

Additional Reading

Would you like to learn more about this topic? Here are some articles we suggest:

  1. Healthcare Safety Culture: A Seven-Step Success Framework
  2. Introducing the Health Catalyst Monitor™ Patient Safety Suite: Surveillance Module
  3. Survey Shows the Role of Technology in the Progress of Patient Safety
  4. Improving Patient Safety: Machine Learning Targets an Urgent Concern
  5. Data-Driven Process Improvement Raises Patient Safety for Highest-Risk Medication

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